
Lisa BF

New member
Apr 10, 2024
Hi all,

My mum stayed with me in October 13th last year, travelling to me by herself on the train. She went home and part exchang her car and completed all her paperwork.
Novemeber 7th mum was admitted to hospital with acute delirium, she was in for 1 night and then discharge. I stayed with her for the next 5 days before I called the hospital back advising the antibiotics (assumed UTI) were not working and mum was getting worse, memory fading fast / hearing things and being very confused. I took back into hospital the following day, where she was admitted and stayed there until early February this year. During her time in hospital she had two lumber punctures, MRIs, CT scan, EEG and ECG. None of which came back with any issues etc and so we /I have no idea”why” in a matter of three weeks mum was functioning completely independently to not at all.
Mum is now in a nursing home, her short term memory is almost non existent, explaining at each visit that her parents and dad are no longer with us and where she lives.She can hold a perfect conversation, but if you press for detail she gets confused.
I am wondering if anyone else has experienced a similar deterioration?
Thank you


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
does your mum get distressed every time you tell her parents are no longer? it might be better to use love lies in that yes they were ok when i last saw them or they are on holiday or whatever she will accept. then it will fade away and something else will occur. it might be she is grieving everry time you answer her.

Lisa BF

New member
Apr 10, 2024
Hi Jennifer, no not at all she just says ”ok” some days she will ask how they died, but no emotion from her at all on this.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Hi Jennifer, no not at all she just says ”ok” some days she will ask how they died, but no emotion from her at all on this.
oh ok, have you tried distraction or changing subject? tea and cake is often used. do thecare home do activities she could take part in? repetitive questions is a hard one, hopefully she will move on to a different subject soon.
your mum maybe in host mode where they can keep up appearance to appear theres is nothing wrong but can only keep it up for a short time.