

New member
Feb 14, 2024
I'm Jo. My dad was diagnosed with dementia a few yrs ago and it is developing quickly. He was just placed in rehab again and will have to stay long term. He asks every 5 min why he can't go home. :(

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @joannaphylaxis

Welcome tp the forum. I hope the support you get from others will help you.

Hopefully your dad will be medicated to give him some peace which might makes your visits easier.


Registered User
Oct 18, 2019
Hi Jo - Sorry to hear about your dad. It is very hard to face your loved one saying they want to go home every day and asking why. With my mum I just used to say she had a heart problem and they needed to monitor her - the doctor would decide when she could go home. She looked a bit sceptical at first but I and my sisters just kept repeating it and eventually she settled into the care home. From reading on this forum I think that nearly all settle eventually - in the meantime I think you can only visit when you think appropriate, leave if possible when something is happening eg a toilet visit or meal and importantly when you leave refuse to think about it and focus on making the best of your life - you are not harming him and he would want you to be as happy as you can be in the circumstances. I try to copy Scarlett O'Hara in ' Gone with the Wind' who faced her problems with 'I'll think about that tomorrow'.