Hello My name is Jonathan


New member
Nov 19, 2023
Hello, my name is Jonathan, and would very much appreciate confidentiality whilst I do my best to engage and take part in this online forum.
I am struggling at the moment, with my dear mother, who (I believe) is now declining much faster than she was in the past.
I live in Australia, but my family heritage, including the rest of my family, mother, father, and brothers are from the UK.
I have visited the UK and lived there for several years and return since, but now live in Sydney Australia.
I hope, registering and engaging with the forum that I will learn things and discover other stories that will assist me with my mum going forward.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @Daniel2.

As long as you don’t reveal any personal information on the forum everything will remain confidential as you won’t be identifiable.

I’m glad you’ve found the forum and I know you will certainly benefit from the experience of others which will in turn help you with your mum.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello Jonathan @Daniel2 and welcome to our supportive and friendly community of people who have experience of many aspects of dementia.
I am sorry to read about your Mother. As @Izzy has said, all remains confidential as long as you don't reveal any personal information.
I am sure that you will find it helpful to find out what others are saying, join in conversations, ask any particular questions you may like to, and just to let off a bit of steam when you need to as well.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Daniel2 and welcome to Dementia Support Forum our supportive and friendly community of people who have experience of many aspects of dementia. We are a largely UK-based community but are always pleased to welcome members from other countries. While legal systems, health and social care etc. differ from place to place, dementia itself recognises no boundaries. I am sure that here you will find much useful information and support that will help you and your mother.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @Daniel2 and welcome from me too

I wanted complete confidentiality when i joined too, so I tried to be as anonymous as possible - even my location is quite vague. In the beginning I thought it quite possible that OH would try and see what I was doing online and identify me. So I never gave out my name online (or anyone elses), used an avatar name that I didnt use anywhere else, referred to my husband as OH as it is extremely vague about the actual relationship (and isnt even gender specific) and took precautions like never leaving my computer open, deleting my history and not saving this site or my password. I think he may have tried to find me, but he never did and now he doesnt know how to use technology, so I can be a bit more open