Hello my Name is Angie


New member
Nov 20, 2023
My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s 3 years ago. He is only 59. He has started urinating on the floor. He bypasses the bathroom and pees in the mudroom. I was thinking of taking the door of the bathroom off so he could easily see the toilet behind it. Install a shower curtain for privacy. Shower curtain would be open, and toilet would be visible when not in use.

I also thought of putting a bucket in the mudroom hoping he would pee in it and not on the floor.

I would appreciate people options on this please.


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
Welcome to the forum @Whatdoido

I’m sorry to read about your husband’s diagnosis at such a young age.

The bucket is a good idea -a brightly coloured bucket so that your husband can see it easily. Also if the toilet is the same colour as the wall behind it can make it very difficult for a person with dementia to see. Sometimes a red toilet seat is recommended to make the toilet more visible.

You could try putting a photo of the toilet on the door to see if this helps instead of having to take the door off. Let us know how you get on as your experience could help others with the same problem.