Hello, I am new to the group!


New member
Nov 29, 2023
My dad has not been diagnosed with dementia but mild cognitive impairment, however his sister (who died a few years ago) and Aunt both suffered with dementia in later life and Dad has now an increased anxiety that he will go down a similar path.

He has recently been asked to stop driving on medical grounds and this has made him feel increasingly isolated and not able to do all the things he used to do.

I am joining this community to hopefully learn from others so that I am in the strongest position to be able to give the best advice and support to my dad is his current diagnosis becomes a dementia diagnosis in the future.


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
Hi @Looey welcome to the forum.

I’m sorry to read about your dad’s diagnosis and his fear of it becoming dementia - it doesn’t always. I can imagine how he feels about not being able to jump in the car whenever he wants but have you thought about setting up an account with a local taxi firm for him? The money he saves from not running a car will probably pay for this and he’d also get to know the drivers so they’d be familiar to him if the worst happens.

Do have a read around the forum but remember that not everything that you read about will happen to your dad even if he does go down the dementia road.

Now is the time to deal with all the practicalities like setting up direct debits for bills and making sure LPAs and wills are in place if you haven’t already done so.