Hello I am a newbie to this site!


Registered User
Jul 17, 2013
Hello. I'm andrew and I am 40.
I have been on ESA for almost 2 years now, with anxiety and depression.
My main fear and frustration in my forgetfulness.
I struggle to maintain any regular pattern and become inconsistent.
My forgetfulness hinders me from taking my medication on a regular basis or at all.
Basic organisation is a struggle some days.
I fear going to the GP with this as I feel I become a hypochondriac.
I just want to know that I am not crazy about my forgetting stuff.
I have benefits department trying to stop my benefits due being ineligible (so they say!)
I fear that my memory now will hinder me in any future employment.
I was previously working as a chef and it was starting to hinder me back then as well as the stress.
I get very angry and frustrated at myself when my memory gets me in to trouble. Like forgetting deadlines and personal financial management.

Is 40 to early to suffer from early signs of dementia?

Anyone else have a similar experience?

Sent from my GT-I8190N using Talking Point mobile app

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello Andrew

Please go to your doctor.

You will get support here on Talking Point and people will understand your concerns but your doctor is the only one who can really help you.

40 is not too young to have dementia but there are many other reasons which could cause your symptoms and again , your doctor is the only person who can say for sure.

Make that appointment now. You might save yourself months of unnecessary worry.

If you do, please report back how you get on.

60's child

Registered User
Apr 23, 2013
Hi Andrew
I agree with GrannieG that 40, sadly, is not too young but there are many other things it could be instead. I would be inclined to write everything down that you are worried about and make an appointment with your Doctor. Stress in itself can impair memory function so explaining your concerns to your Doctor would be the first step in my opinion.
Wishing you all the best
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