Hello everyone, I'm Nonna and Happy New Year!


New member
Jan 2, 2024
I'm hoping to make each day this year as happy as possible for me and my husband because he has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimers and Vascular Dementia and I want to make the best of what quality time we have left. We had a lovely Christmas because I was able to devote 24/7 to being with him and "chilling" with family, friends and the TV - but today life goes back to normal and I know things are going to be much more difficult as family and friends go back to work etc. I've worried about his symptoms for a couple of years or so but only finally got the GP to take action last January when hubby fractured his pelvis. The referral to a Memory Clinic, subsequent assessment, brain scan and time waiting for the results and diagnosis amounted to almost a year and during that time I've been been through some very dark times as there are other family problems in the equation too (like a son who is terminally ill and relationship problems). I have been blessed previously as my husband was very active in both the house and the garden and did all the cooking! Recently though, my husband seems to have gone rapidly downhill and I'm quickly realising my previously socially very active lifestyle is quickly having to change. I've had to re- learn to cook and get back into a routine of housework and coping with situations where nothing is reliably in its proper place anymore and I am the one dealing with the boiler / flood/ house insyrance claim etc! The day that someone from Alzheimers contacted me just after the diagnosis was like having a comfort blanket wrapped around me! I know I'm going to need help (and I've already seen a post on here that really resonates with me). So I'm trying to re-organise my new life and joining this Forum is a starting point.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Nonna and welcome to Dementia Support Forum our friendly and helpful community. I am sorry to hear about your situation but glad that you have found us. This is a great place to ask questions, find help and support, share with people who truly understand and let off steam. Do keep posting whenever you feel the need as there's always someone listening.