Hello and thank-you all for being here


Registered User
Dec 5, 2008
I live in Oxford, but my mum lives in dorset. I suppose that makes me a long distance carer.
Mum has been saying her memory is getting bad, short term memory especially, she seems to have all her faculties. her doctors are saying to my sister, she lives in the same town as mum, that dementia is the problem, only mum seems top be in denial about it.
I am here to try and understand what is happening and how to help mum. in time i would like to help others in the same boat as i am now( don't they say "what goes around, comes around" or something like that)
thats enough of me rambling on, so, helpppppp!
many thanks


Registered User
Jan 31, 2004
near London
Hi Zippyh, and welcome to Talking Point

what a great way to start - you encapsulate this forum absolutely
"what goes around, comes around"

So many people come her seeking help and find they end up providing help to others.

I hope you find Talking Point a help.

Margaret W

Registered User
Apr 28, 2007
North Derbyshire
Zipph, let us know how we can help. So far we only know that you are some distance from your mum. What are the problems you are facing - lets adress those before you start feeling the need to help others, we need to sort you out first.




Registered User
Dec 5, 2008
a bit more about mum

firstly, margaret thanks for replying. secondly i hav'nt been about recentley, what with working shifts, and a poorly mother in- law.
but my problem is, mum has got dementia, but when we talk on the phone, she only seems to admit to loosing her memory. she is getting quite abusive towards dad, doesn't eat very well/healthily any more( she is/was the BEST cook), doesn't leave the house much. So generally she is making life really bad for dad( he's 80) and my sister/brother in-law. i really don't know what to do to help her