
cheryl k

Registered User
Sep 9, 2012
I am hoping someone can help me with this new development on my Dad. Today my Dad informed me that he is starting to see things. But the things he told me today is what is so baffling and I am wondering if anyone has experienced this with their loved ones. Dad said he is starting to see butterflies and a glob of a human being on his chest that is black and white. He has tried to remove this glob and all he is able to do is lift the globs arm up and down. Is this a normal? Has anyone elses loved one reported seeing things. Thanks for any help you can give me.


Account Closed
Jul 4, 2013
I am hoping someone can help me with this new development on my Dad. Today my Dad informed me that he is starting to see things. But the things he told me today is what is so baffling and I am wondering if anyone has experienced this with their loved ones. Dad said he is starting to see butterflies and a glob of a human being on his chest that is black and white. He has tried to remove this glob and all he is able to do is lift the globs arm up and down. Is this a normal? Has anyone elses loved one reported seeing things. Thanks for any help you can give me.

So sorry for you this must be so hard for you and him. I really don't know but have read that this is common very common is SNAKES in the bed.

Oh gosh this is all ahead of me. Anyway from what ive read(thankgod for google) this is quite common and most patients hallucinate!

Im sure others will give you more info don't know if this is the drugs OR the illness itself??
Chin up!!


Registered User
Jul 15, 2013

Sorry you are going through this x

My dad had them at night where he heard voices and sees a bug white room of people - he is unable to describe in any more detail but really is distressed by it.

He is not on any medication because his memory test scored were too low and when diagnosed he was at moderate to late stage. I'm having a meeting with memory team on Monday to see if anything can be given to help him. So I think from all I have read it can just be the dementia. Have u ruled out a urinary infection?

Thoughts with u XX


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Doe he understand they are hallucinations or does he really believe they are there?

Get him tested for UTI soonest,
is he drinking enough in this hot weather?

My late father often appears at night, ''he wont talk to me though'' , a girl in a pink coat and a girl with green hair ribbons. One night we had the whole fire brigade in the airing cupboard- Anti-biotics for a UTI chased them away
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Registered User
May 13, 2013
There's a trench in my mums bedroom full of bodies (she was a nurse for injured soldiers in WWII and her brother died in a foxhole ? ). There's a group of people in a tree that are making a film and a couple of children who sometimes sit in the street. Apparently these are my kids when they were little. It all passes fairly quickly. She has had a UTI test, negative. So far sharing her concern without getting worked up seems to help. Sometimes it seems that there is an overlap between when she has slept and when she reorients to being awake, sometimes it is an awake event. It has been explained to me by an AS consultant that it depends on which part of the brain that is being affected and basic reassurance deals with it effectively so far.


Registered User
Jun 8, 2012
This is all a part of the condition, mum has flowers on the wardrobe, frogs on her bed, I am her mother and her youngest son has been taken by a bad family while she forgets he is late 40s, married with kids of his own. It is distressing for them and us but it's a part of the condition sadly. As others have said get the physical things checked out as water infections can cause this too.


Registered User
Aug 30, 2012
Brixham Devon
Sorry this is happening. My Husband had so many hallucinations it was quite amazing how many people we could fit in our home at one time:rolleyes:

Some were distressing for Pete; others he found quite entertaining.;)

I think it is quite common for sufferers to experience them-just another worry I'm afraid.

Take care

Lyn T

cheryl k

Registered User
Sep 9, 2012

Thank you everyone for your advice and help. I will check out the UTI. Dad had a UTI last fall and I never gave it a thought it could be one again. Is it typical for alzheimer patients to get recurrent UTI's. Dad is on namenda a low dose and till now has tolerated this drug quite well. Will keep you posted.


Registered User
Jun 2, 2013
My mam currently believes she is going to be beheaded :(.

Turns out she is very constipated as some bright spark of a GP who hasn't even met her has reduced her laxatives as he didn't understand why she was on so many, and no one flagged this to us (Care Home are now aware no changes to medication without talking to us), and he didn't ring the hospital to check why she needs so many.

Definitely check for infection or constipation - any change to hallucinations from "nice fluffy" ones to dark terror filled ones tells me we have an infection or similar to deal with.

Got to get it sorted quickly, too.

LB xx

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