Grinding teeth


Registered User
Feb 4, 2012
My Father is in mid to advanced stages of a split picture dementia. He has recently begun to grind his teeth so hard that it is audible to anyone within about 15 feet. The noise is horrible and I know he is going to destroy his teeth. He is wide awake when he does this and even does it in mid conversation. I correct him and tell him he must not do it. He gets upset and says he doesn't realise he is doing it. I wondered if anyone out there has experienced this? Any suggestions?
Thanks, Ephraim


Registered User
Nov 17, 2011

My FIL is in the late stages and he also grinds his teeth - makes you shudder with the noise :eek: As his understanding is almost non existent there is no stopping him so cannot offer any advice but you are not alone in this.

Someone may come along with an answer.

Best Wishes


Registered User
Dec 21, 2008
A lady in Grandad's care home does it - and sometimes the carers remind her to stop doing it because she'll damage her teeth and she says it's not her doing it.

I think it's one of those habits they just develop for whatever reason.

Grandad plays with his false teeth - poking them out with his tongue and wobbling them up and down with his lips. It's quite funny to watch but sad also.


Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
I've just broken a tooth doing it - in my sleep. My dentist made me a gum guard. It cost me £50. I'm on my second. I wore the first one away!!


Registered User
Oct 28, 2012
Teeth Grinding.

My Mum is in late stages of Dementia and has taken to grinding her teeth. I agree with you the noise is horrendous. We have tried all the guards but she just chews them until there is none left we presume she thinks it's food.
Although it may sound intrusive we have found that putting a shoelace in her mouth and tying it up behind her ears and onto her head is providing a lot of relief both for her and ourselves. It may look intrusive however she is still able to move her mouth perfectly and we feel she would be trying to take it out if she didnt like it.

I hope this is of some use.


Registered User
Oct 28, 2012
Teeth grinding

Regarding my last post, we have discovered that as soon as teeth grinding occurs (mainly after food or medication) if we brush mum's teeth after each occasion she stops. We may have to do this throughout the day but it is certainly the lesser of the two evils.
hope it helps.