Got job tomorrow sitting with lady with dementia


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I can't believe it got a phone call tonight from a friend of my husbands asking if i would sit with his mother tomorrow. he gave a full shift of hours but as it's my first time since caring for my mum i got him down to four to see how it goes the bonus is i can take my daughter. it's a bit scary and so exciting to, it's my sons friends gran and he says she's worse than gran who blinking cares i think i have been having withdrawal symptoms since mums passing and i'm hoping that if i get over this hurdle i can officially get back on the band wagon and make a minute difference to somebody. the funny thing is i was going to do the guys brothers garden tomorrow so bye bye weeds for the day. please pray i can manage this and hope it doesn't put me back to square one. i'm thinking yes this is the next step i went to the job centre a fortnight ago and told them i primarily would like to be a carer for sufferers of alzheimers/dementia and she looked at me with such horror i was aghast she then typed in library assistant which left me aghast i've been there and done that to the point my old library boss laughed as he knows my path is not there. in my tiny gardening business i have clients who say don't go back but there is a pull in me and i don't think i want to see anything else. maybe this is fate maybe not but hopefully it will work. please pray it will.


Registered User
Looking forward to hearing your news afterwards - not about the specific lady but about how you felt, how you coped, if you will do it again......well done you, best wishes for your new venture, xx, Sue

PS - wish you lived could help me!


Registered User
thanks bookworm

you are the first to give me my bit of strength and by the way if i lived near everybody on this site i'm sure i would run my self ragged trying to help you all much to my families dismay although secretly i think that's what they like about me. i just have this gutt feeling that this is what i need to do maybe because i was on this side of despair here's hoping. heartfelt thanks for replying though it has boosted my confidence. take care.


Registered User
Hi Marchbank, what a wonderful thing to do and having all the knowledge you gained will be such an asset. I too will be really interested to hear how you get on. Good luck!

sad nell

Registered User
Marchbank hope it goes well, when you have this gutt feeling that it is the right thing to do it usually is, and am sure you will make such a difference to many lives in the future, but remember you as well , love Pam


Registered User
You obviously have lots to give back and a real willingness to use the skills you've acquired. I hope it works well for everyone involved - good for you.

What a pity that at the job centre they looked horrified that someone wants to care for those with dementia! ?? What an uphill climb we all have... :mad: