Gas cooker


Registered User
Feb 13, 2018
My mum needing a new cooker def started a pattern of not eating enough but agree with you and your gran that the gas has to go. Slow cooker, microwave and induction hob way forward. Induction hob she might get used to or not as new things are so tricky for our loved ones with alzheimers to get used to! Its such a shame that all the appliances get old and unsafe at the same time and the dread of replacing things for the PWD to struggle with is terrible.


Registered User
Feb 13, 2022
Thank you all, you’ve been so helpful! Appointment all booked for the cooker to be removed, we’ve decided to go with another being fitted that has all the right safety features but are really realistic this may not be around for long.

The plug socket locks sound perfect, we’ve had to replace her doorbell with a battery one as she kept unplugging that which made things tricky so this will be a great help.

And lots of options to think of food wise so thank you all.

Hopefully the memory clinic referral won’t be much longer although the GP mentioned 16 weeks when we saw her, but good to know there’s lots we can do in the mean time