Gas cooker


Registered User
May 19, 2016
We disconnected mums gas cooker about 8 months ago because she kept leaving it on and/or burning pans. She Iives at home in a ground floor maisonette. A young family live upstairs. She has a toaster and microwave and carers make her egg on toast every morning. She has carer prepared Wiltshire farm foods plus sandwiches and soup at other times which she sometimes still makes herself. She goes out for a proper cooked dinner and pudding twice a week and Sunday lunch with us every Sunday. Problem is mum can't accept that she can no longer use her gas cooker. We have explained and sympathised over and over but she still gets very upset and very angry about it. I said she can always come and cook with me at my place but that just got her angry. Loss of independace is hard and she is fighting it tooth and nail. Any ideas?


Registered User
Jul 3, 2017
You say it is disconnected... it is it still there...reminding her? Would it possible to remove it and fill the gap with something?


Registered User
Dec 15, 2012
in the meantime, could you change the explanation for a love lie and tell her that you will look into having a new cooker as there's a problem with the existing one, but plumbers won't come out until after the holidays, or are booked up for the next month ... anything that will seem as though you are helping her and sympathise that it's taking so long


Registered User
May 19, 2016
in the meantime, could you change the explanation for a love lie and tell her that you will look into having a new cooker as there's a problem with the existing one, but plumbers won't come out until after the holidays, or are booked up for the next month ... anything that will seem as though you are helping her and sympathise that it's taking so long
Yes you are right. I'd started saying don't worry we will get it sorted out then changing the subject or looking at photos for a bit. We are taking it away completely and putting a cupboard there too. Out of sight out of mind hopefully. Seems a small problem in the scheme of things but thanks for your suggestions it has helped.

Registered User
Jan 16, 2014
Love lies and removing the visual reminder is the way to go from my experience on something similar with his case it was his car not a cooker