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New member
Feb 19, 2024
Good evening all. My father has prostate cancer (12yrs), type 2 diabetes, partially sighted and a recent early onset diagnosis. Yesterday he called the police suggesting the landlord was putting a sticky substance on his food! He waited 4 hours in the cold for the police. I drove 100 miles to find out what was happening. The police took us to A&E and requested an adult referral for emergency housing. We waited 6 hours. In the end saw a doctor who said he was fit and strong. He is 85 yo in April. He was actually discharged and I was left to drive him 100 miles to my home
He is homeless. I was looking for any advice that could help. As myself and my fiancee both work full time and are not qualified to look after him. Any tips around any options we have would be greatly received. Thank you


Registered User
Feb 4, 2024
Oh wow, what a time you've had! Adult social services have been great with me, my husband and his mum. I'm not sure what they would suggest in your case, I'm very new to all this too. They seem to be the first port of call for care assessments and carers needs assessments. My local sensory team have been brilliant and suggested equipment to help my mother in law and might be able to help your dad with communication.
My mother in law doesn't yet have a diagnosis but after a recent day in hospital after a fall hasn't been washing or dressing and has blown up her microwave so I wonder if you might notice a change in your dad after his trip to A&E. I'm sorry to be the bearer of this thought.
I'm currently looking at private home care for my mother in law, which might be an option in the immediate term for you. It's been six weeks since my mother in law fell and still no start date for social care for her from social services. I think that they want people to use private companies. It could certainly be easier to get started than care from social services.
As for the longer term housing situation, I'm sorry that I'm not sure.


Registered User
Oct 27, 2016
Hi @grantc you say your father has an early onset diagnosis, but he may be further along the journey. Such paranoid thinking is typical of mid stage dementia. I can't give any advice regarding the housing situation, but do you have power of attorney? Are adult social services involved?


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @grantc and welcome to the forum. I am sorry to read about your father and his various illnesses, this must be so difficult for you as your dad lives so far away. You said in your first paragraph that your father had a landlord and then you said that he is homeless so I am a little confused there but i would suggest that if your father is homeless that you contact AgeUK for advice, I have attached a link to their website which you might find useful.

I would also suggest that you contact adult social services in the area where your father lives and explain to them that your father is a vulnerable adult in danger of harm and that you are not able to look after him as you live too far away. Hopefully that will spur them on to checking what help he might need.

Please keep posting if there is anything that we can help you with.


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
@grantc, is your father homeless because the landlord has evicted him or is he homeless because he is refusing to return home because of what he think the landlord has done? Either way it sounds like going back to his home isn't an option, but you and your fiancée caring for him probably isn't one either. I would contact the support line and talk though your options with them,

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