Find Me Good Care


Registered User
Oct 30, 2012
Do NOT use this site because of the issues involved...

If you are looking for care you may find this new web site valuable. There is also the posibility to rate services too.

That is incorrect. Wildly incorrect.

This site has serious failings and there are other sites far more appropriate and useful.
(Better Care guide & Good Care Guide, for example)
The first problem this site has is that it does NOT allow comments or reviews on care provision against ANY care provider (residential and domiciliary) UNLESS that provider has bought and paid for an *enhanced listing* (advertising..essentially).
What this means is that you will see only comments and reviews for those providers who choose to *pay* for their listing.
A major problem if very good providers do not wish/want/choose to pay for advertising on this site as you will not be able to identify them as good providers and worse, if bad care providers do not pay to advertise on the site you will never know from others that the providers' care & service support is not very good. A nonsensical situation for a site supported by SCIE (Social Care Institute for Excellence) who clearly have lost the idea about quality nd excellence.
This site was launched last week and immediately *pushed* paid for enhanced listing to the top of a search enquiry for care providers. Claiming it was an 'error' on the site they suggest they will address that (alarming) issue.
As of this moment, paid for care provider listings are appearing either at the top or very near the top of the list returned from a search enquiry.
All in all, this is a very poor representation of a care guide and one that should NOT be used unless, or until, they sort our both serious issues.
Not good at all.


Registered User
Oct 30, 2012
Thank you! Very helpful

Chris x

You would be wise to read my post above concerning the serious shortcomings with this site.
There are other care guides already providing both complete and quality information and they allow reviews and comments to be made against ANY provider. There is no need for a provider on those sites to have *bought* advertising before comments and reviews can be made.
It's also an utter travesty that those care providers appear to be pushed towrds the top of care provider lists when undertaking a search on their site.
This is very, very poor frankly.


Registered User
Sep 9, 2009
cornwall/real name is Angela
It is an easy read guide of what services are available with direct link to the CQC reports.

I only posted it as information because many people do not know where to start when looking for care services.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2007
Hello danny, I agree that it's useful to have a quick link to the CQC reports.
Mum is a care home in Cardiff and when I was last visiting I was given a card to fill in and post rating mum's care home. The only problem was the tick boxes started at satisfactory and went up to excellent. I won't be filling it in for this reason.
I hope you are ok. I haven't seen many posts from you recently but I know you are always very busy.



Registered User
Oct 30, 2012
It is an easy read guide of what services are available with direct link to the CQC reports.

I only posted it as information because many people do not know where to start when looking for care services.

But this is NOT a good site to "start looking" for the reasons I have explained.
This site has such serious fasilings and shortcomings as a *care Guide* for it to be biased and of little use.
There are others (incluing, very soon to be, a NHS site with a care guide) :

for example that do not give out biased information and allow useful comments and reviews on care providers and their services.
The site you posted DOES not do that AND bias's towards paid for advertisers who take out enhanced listings.
It is important that as many people as possible learn about and understand that the care provider information given out from this site is not accurate, not unbaised and is unable to give you other service users feedback about the service. To this end, the site is very pooor and of poor quality... let alone the dangers of allowing poor care providers to avoid having their service reviewed or commented on, on this site.
Do not use it for searching for care provision or researching good information about care providers... you will not get it.



Registered User
Oct 30, 2012
Hello danny, I agree that it's useful to have a quick link to the CQC reports.
Mum is a care home in Cardiff and when I was last visiting I was given a card to fill in and post rating mum's care home. The only problem was the tick boxes started at satisfactory and went up to excellent. I won't be filling it in for this reason.
I hope you are ok. I haven't seen many posts from you recently but I know you are always very busy.

If the care home your mum is in does not pay SCIE to advertise on their FMGC site by way of an enhanced WILL NOT BE ABLE to leave any feedback!
That's the problem. Not someone making a personal choice NOT to leave cannot on this site. Making it very poor in comparison to other sites offering care guides.
As you a shortcut (?) to CQC... that information is freely available from CQC in a couple of clicks, frankly.
However, CQC have now stopped quality ratings (up to three star excellent provision) and now just offer compliance ...or not, accordingly.
I think you have to agree a website that offers data and infromation about care providers ( a la trip advisor?) but does not allow feedback to ANY proivdier not choosing to advertise is nonsensical...?



Registered User
Aug 1, 2007
Hello carewatcher, what does FMGC stand for.? The guide that danny posted about covers England. My mum's care home is in Wales.

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Registered User
Mar 24, 2012
Thank you Danny I personally find it much easier to use than any other site and like the quick link to CQC reports ,

Jeany x


Registered User
Sep 27, 2006
Costa Blanca Spain
As with all sites on the web, you have to use your own judgement at the end of the day.

As Danny says, there is a 'widget' which gives direct access from the site to the CQC reports and the CQC are not connected to this site other than the widget. The CQC is quite independant of this site. Whether the site's ability to 'sell' advertising in the way described by a poster on this thread means that only good reviews will be posted wouldn't affect my use of the site. I'm a sceptical person and would factor this in anyway..

At least it is a starting point to work from and after all, this would be part of research BEFORE visiting and assessing any care home for yourself. Foot slogging and taking enough time to visit a home is the only way in my opinion to properly assess how good a care home is.

Time spent researching on the web is important but thorough and detailed inspection by peope inspecting the home for their own relative is the thing which is most important.

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Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
think you have to agree a website that offers data and infromation about care providers ( a la trip advisor?) but does not allow feedback to ANY proivdier not choosing to advertise is nonsensical...?

The trouble with feedback -as with the other site mentioned recently - is that it can be biased and can be posted by those with some agenda regarding any particular home both pro and con - from a manager to a disgruntled relative to a dismissed member of staff. Even the CQC couldn't get it right with their stars. You just have to use your own judgement. For starting out on a care/nursing home search, this is fine. The next step is to visit as many homes as you can, then you might be somewhere near making a reasonably sound decision. However, you'll never really know until your relative is there.


Registered User
Sep 9, 2009
cornwall/real name is Angela
The site is selling advert space to cover its costs. I agree with Tina 100 %.

I`m sure that SCIE will be requesting feedback as it is a new site. By the way I have nothing to do with this site and as said before I posted it for information purposes only.

In my view the more easy read resources out there the better.

As a provider of services I haven`t decided as yet whether to put an enhanced listing on. What is good about this site is that sole traders and individual people can put a listing on as well which would help people who have direct payments or personal budgets.

Food for thought:)


Registered User
Oct 30, 2012
As with all sites on the web, you have to use your own judgement at the end of the day.

As Danny says, there is a 'widget' which gives direct access from the site to the CQC reports and the CQC are not connected to this site other than the widget. The CQC is quite independant of this site.


Of course it is. CQC is a click away from Google. This is nonsensical to suggest that a widget (which many/most care sites have anyway) somehow gives the site credence.

Tina T
Whether the site's ability to 'sell' advertising in the way described by a poster on this thread means that only good reviews will be posted wouldn't affect my use of the site. I'm a sceptical person and would factor this in anyway..


You cannot factor in information that DOESN'T exist.
It's nonsensical.
You are completely missing the point.... this site is *supposed* to offer clear, quality Data and information about care providers.... it doesn't!
How can a site that only allows reviews about care providers who have paid for advertising (enhanced lisitng) be considered unbiased, accurate or of any quality?
How can service users leave poor feedback from poor providers (from their own experience) onto care providers who havn't bought an enhanced listing. It's ridiculous.
How can pushing up search returns that favour paid for advertising be anywhere near like unbiased.....?
How can this site givew you fair and unbiased information...?

Tina T
At least it is a starting point to work from and after all, this would be part of research BEFORE visiting and assessing any care home for yourself. Foot slogging and taking enough time to visit a home is the only way in my opinion to properly assess how good a care home is.

That's as maybe. It does NOT mitigate the dreadful shortcomings of the information from this site.
There are other care guide sites that do NOT present information from the outset in this way...
Why would you not use those as a "starting point"
Why are you apparently defending this site when it clearly works against those seeking unbiased, quality information on care provision..?

Tina T:
Time spent researching on the web is important but thorough and detailed inspection by peope inspecting the home for their own relative is the thing which is most important.


Look, this site provides information about reseidential AND domiciliary care.
There are many circumstances that would prevent some people from undertaking research in the way you suggest. It's not always possible to visit local homes and what are you going to inspect if you visit the offices of a local domiciliary care provider......?
The whole thrust is to get quality information out into the community. This site does anything but provide that type of care provision information for the reasons I mentioned.



Registered User
Oct 30, 2012
Thank you Danny I personally find it much easier to use than any other site and like the quick link to CQC reports ,

Jeany x

Have you tried looking at the other two care guide sites I mentioned earlier..?
To suggest they are any harder is just not correct, in fact, in my view they are easier.
One thing is sure, you get links to CQC direct from the sites AND you get unbiased information AND reveiws from other service providers. What you do with those comments is a personal matter but having a site that filters out reviews (by way of enhanced lsitngs) is not one that is ultimately going to give you the information you *might* be looking for.

The issue here is the information provided and this site is biased. You really have to consider what the ramifications of that are when you look for care provision information.



Registered User
Mar 24, 2012
Have you tried looking at the other two care guide sites I mentioned earlier..?
To suggest they are any harder is just not correct, in fact, in my view they are easier.
One thing is sure, you get links to CQC direct from the sites AND you get unbiased information AND reveiws from other service providers. What you do with those comments is a personal matter but having a site that filters out reviews (by way of enhanced lsitngs) is not one that is ultimately going to give you the information you *might* be looking for.

The issue here is the information provided and this site is biased. You really have to consider what the ramifications of that are when you look for care provision information.


Yes I tried them but the one danny gave was by far the easiest to use for me, I cannot speak for anyone else , there is nothing correct or incorrect about it this is my opinion


Registered User
Oct 30, 2012
The trouble with feedback -as with the other site mentioned recently - is that it can be biased and can be posted by those with some agenda regarding any particular home both pro and con - from a manager to a disgruntled relative to a dismissed member of staff. Even the CQC couldn't get it right with their stars. You just have to use your own judgement. For starting out on a care/nursing home search, this is fine. The next step is to visit as many homes as you can, then you might be somewhere near making a reasonably sound decision. However, you'll never really know until your relative is there.

I'm not arguing for or against the notion of reviews...or indeed the importance placed on them (a la trip advisor).
Clearly, the other care guide sites operate a moderation policy that prevents abuse and misleading information.
You use this information as you please.
That is a whole different scenario to the whole bias of the Find Me Good Care guide site that works against the service user who is seeking information of this kind.
I'm at an absolute loss as to how anyone can begin to start to defend this whole approach to care provision information. It is a nonsensical proposition on the part of the website.


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