Final stage of Dementia Parkinson Disease


New member
Aug 3, 2023
Hello everyone,
I over see my MIL care as well as caring for her part time. My life and my husbands life has completely changed. She has gotten worse in the past year, its been a slow process. She is bed bound, I/we hoist her every time she is moved from bed to arm chair, she has lost all her core strength. Tends to eat on and off, as well as being a stage 2 diabetic. We monitor her sugar levels everyday, trying to avoid her going into a comma. She needs 224/7 care which we do as a family at night, cares during the day with me has a filler. How long is this going to continue, life is being so cruel to her. She was the head of the family, respected by all who they turned too. Not the average old Asian Indian women, who had standards spoke good English. She is lost now, sits staring at everyone, she may speak towards the end of the day. We cannot tell sometimes what or who she is talking about, she does not know where she is or who we are. Can sometimes express when she is in pain, can not say if it is day or night. Tends to behave like a child sometimes, calling out for her parents. She does not recognize her own sons or her grandchildren. Her last wishes are to be home and as a family we will not let her go into a care home.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @sunshine1943 The way in which your family are caring for your MIL is amazing but I hope that you are all looking after your own health and well being.
As to how long this caring role will last, that is impossible to say. Which is why you need to look after yourself.

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