Fighting for mum's rights


Registered User
Oct 7, 2016
Hi my mum has just been diagnosed with dementia and early stages alzimmers it has also been a long battle for many years with the gp saying she had stress and anxiety as the years has gone on and my mum has gotten worse she had to b put in hospital under a section 2 to b assessed to get the diagnosis I have now had to fight for her rights as they want to put her on a section 3 which I am objecting to with threats of a solicitor I'm keeping everything crossed I can get her home even if she has to stay with myself I am the eldest child and I'm 32 I also have 3 children but if need be I am prepared to have her with myself and my family it is so wrong how they are treated and at times we are not listened to I hope u get the help u need


Registered User
Dec 21, 2015
Hi my mum has just been diagnosed with dementia and early stages alzimmers it has also been a long battle for many years with the gp saying she had stress and anxiety as the years has gone on and my mum has gotten worse she had to b put in hospital under a section 2 to b assessed to get the diagnosis I have now had to fight for her rights as they want to put her on a section 3 which I am objecting to with threats of a solicitor I'm keeping everything crossed I can get her home even if she has to stay with myself I am the eldest child and I'm 32 I also have 3 children but if need be I am prepared to have her with myself and my family it is so wrong how they are treated and at times we are not listened to I hope u get the help u need

Hi Dee and welcome to TP. There is a lot of info on here for you. I'm not familiar with the sectioning side of things so can't offer you any advice, sorry. Hugs x
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Registered User
Jul 2, 2011
Why was your mum sectioned in the first place?I understand that it can be scary but the point of a section under the MH act is to ensure the patient gets the correct assessment and treatment.Why are you objecting to Section 3.There are many threads on here detailing how a section has been the best thing that could have happened.I don't think this decision will have been made lightly,can you speak to the doctor's and try to find a solution or at least an explanation that you are comfortable with.


Registered User
Jun 27, 2012
So, you are 32 with 3 children. Sorry but I didn't understand if you want to care for your mother instead your children, or you want your children help to care to your mum.

I think your children must be your priority.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
A section 2 is only for 28 days and can't be renewed, a section 3 is for 6 months initially then reviewed every year.
It might be better if you let them go to section 3 in some ways as it means they will have to manage and fund her on going care under section 117, this gives you more options than a section 2 or a DoLS.
Sectioning doesn't mean she can never leave the system and move back home but it will probably get her a much better package of care if she has been sectioned.
Sorry I never said welcome to TP as this is your first post.


Registered User
Dec 15, 2012
Hello Dee18
and welcome to TP from me too
I'm glad Kevinl has replied as he does know about the specifics of each section

it's brilliant that you care so much about your mum - sometimes, though, our care and concern for a parent can blinker us to the wider picture, which is pretty challenging to take in
the sectioning is intended to support and give the opportunity for medics to assess and find what will help settle the person, your mum - it's not meant to take away her rights or keep her in an institution when she's ready to move out, whether that be back home with a full care package or a move to a care home
do take the time to assess your situation - it's our immediate response to want mum or dad home with us, that's not always the best for them - a home with 3 children can be a loving comfortable atmosphere; it can also be noisy, busy and a bit fraught, which is a tricky environment for a person with dementia to navigate - and actually, it's also a lot ask of children to have even their grandma move in when they are not used to having her around all the time

I do hope, though, that the staff will listen to your views, so that you feel fully part of the process to support your mum

best wishes


Registered User
Jul 2, 2011
A section 2 is only for 28 days and can't be renewed, a section 3 is for 6 months initially then reviewed every year.
It might be better if you let them go to section 3 in some ways as it means they will have to manage and fund her on going care under section 117, this gives you more options than a section 2 or a DoLS.
Sectioning doesn't mean she can never leave the system and move back home but it will probably get her a much better package of care if she has been sectioned.
Sorry I never said welcome to TP as this is your first post.
Thanks for filling in the detail


Registered User
Oct 7, 2016
It has always been sed that the plan is for my mum to go home with surport as it is my mums wish also I am only saying I wud have my mum with me instead of her going into a home or to b in hospital any longer than should b my children are my main priority and I think that's wrong to say that like they are not my mum has always been in my children life's she seen all of them come in to this world and they are a big part of her life she lives for her grandchildren so living with them would b a good thing for her obviously if and wen she becomes to bad then down the Rd I would have to look into other options but y my mum is still as ok as she cam b with support from my family I don't see what the problem. Is I have always been there for my mum we have a very strong bond and she trusts me I wud never turn my back or abandon my mum which is y iam fighting to give her what she wants if it makes her happy then makes me happy she will b safe and well looked after


Registered User
Jul 16, 2016
I never wanted to have my mum in a nursing home and she certainly never wanted to be there either, but her disease accelerated so fast that my siblings and I had no choice....She couldn't come and live with us (even though she wanted to) as I have a young family and work....
Do I feel guilty, yes....but have I turned my back on her?
I have quality time with my mum in a place where she is being well cared kids have already have been affected and upset by her condition over the last few years as she has deteriorated, I will protect them from it in the future if necessary, which I couldn't do if she was at home or lived with us.
My mum doesn't want to be where she is, but I know if she was herself she wouldn't want to be, in her words, 'a burden' but unfortunately a nursing home was the only option.
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