Father has dementia


New member
Feb 26, 2024
HI my name is Troy I am having trouble understanding dementia My father has it and has total memory loss i cant even get him to remember the past and this past Friday he was panicking screaming he's dying over end over again and we couldn't calm him down


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello Troy @Troy63 and firstly welcome to this friendly and supportive forum. There is a lot of shared experience of dementia to be found here, so I am glad you have found us.

I am sorry to read of your father. You will know, I'm sure, that memory issues are common in people with dementia. Is he on any medication for his dementia prescribed by your GP.
If this is a sudden change to his behaviour, it may be worth getting him checked out for a possible UTI. When there are sudden changes it could be that your father has a urine infection. It is remarkable what changes an infection can cause. Normally treated with antibiotics.

Now that you have found us, do have a good look around the forums and ask any particular questions you may like to. Members here really do understand and want to help.


New member
Feb 26, 2024
I think his doctor is an idiot all he say is he old losing memory nothing we can do no meds and my concern is in the last 10 my father has had Lyme disease skin cancer and a motorcycle accident his helmet showed no damage so they sent him home


Registered User
Jun 19, 2022
I think his doctor is an idiot all he say is he old losing memory nothing we can do no meds and my concern is in the last 10 my father has had Lyme disease skin cancer and a motorcycle accident his helmet showed no damage so they sent him home
That's awful. My dad's GP was like that "well he's a frail old man, what do you expect?" !!!
He was the head of the practice, and, I suspected just wasn't bothered any more, but there were others there so I used to try to get appointments with one of the others (the younger/newer doctors were much better to deal with and would actually listen to you). Could you maybe try a different GP?