

Registered User
i have asked this question before and cannot believe nobody out of the hundreds on here have.nt got a similar problem!! my husband has advanced vascular dementia and is profoudly deaf. he cannot read or understand any sign language any more.i am sure you will all agree tis is not agood situation. he has an app. for a scan on wednesday-so he.s not to have a drink or anything to eat. it is going to be very stressful for us both. also he is waiting for a place at day care-what can i do but put him on the transport and hope for the best:eek: if anyone is in a similar situation i.d love to know how they cope. thank you.


Registered User
Hello Farrand - sorry to read that your husband has the added complication of being profoundly deaf as that must make everything very challenging anyway without factoring in dementia. It must also make it extremely tough for you.

Mum has dual sensory loss and has received help from both the Hearing and Vision team at the Council and has also been allocated a visitor from Sense http://www.sense.org.uk/

That might be helpful if your husband also has visual impairment?

Another possible avenue would be the RNID - they have a befriending service that might help http://www.actiononhearingloss.org.uk/supporting-you/befriending-service-hear-to-meet.aspx and I am sure their general office would be able to advise re hospital appointments etc.

Could you ring the Hospital PALS or advice number and ask about how they support Deaf people attending for appointments? It will also probably help the CT Department if they know in advance and maybe they could make the appointment time at the start of a day so he can go straight in and not wait - as that might reduce anxiety etc.

I am sure others will be along with ideas and if I think of anything else then I will be back.

Good luck and take care



Registered User
He should have an escort. At our hospital, the hospital transport would arrange for an escort to accompany him. Alernatively, he should be met when he arrives at the hospital and accompanied from then on.


Registered User
hi. butter.

He should have an escort. At our hospital, the hospital transport would arrange for an escort to accompany him. Alernatively, he should be met when he arrives at the hospital and accompanied from then on.
what i ment was how can i tell him where he is going. he will be accompaned on the transport to the day-care centre-but he won.t know where he is or what he.s. doing there!!! thanks for your reply anyway.


Registered User
i have having great trouble trying to work this forum out!! so if you did.nt get my replies you know why. farrand.:confused:


Registered User
hi celia.w. its not hospital app. i always go to those with him. its going off to a day care centre-i cant explain where he.s going-so he.ll wonder where he is and what he.s doing there:confused: so there.s not much i can do except hope for the best. thank you for you reply. farrand.


Registered User
Hi farrand, and welcome to the forum. I hope as you explore the site you will become more familiar with how it works. Is there anything specific that you would like to know? I'm sure someone would be able to help you.

I'm so sorry to hear of the additional problem that you face with your husband. Apologies if this sounds stupid given that you said that he has advanced dementia - but can he still read, even if only a little? Would you be able to write him a note to explain where he is going?

I hope that you can find a suitable solution that will put your mind at rest.


Registered User
Hi Farrand,
If your partner is at such an advanced stage he can't read, hear or understand sign language I'm wondering why he's been scheduled for the scan in the first place. Whatever the scan shows can't be communicated to him anyway, and neither can any treatment, not to mention him not knowing why he's fasting tomorrow.
I'd be asking what they hope to achieve with the scan before putting yourself and your partner through this.
Good luck :)


Registered User
The use of photos, Makaton basic sign language and lifr story work.

Morning Farrand,

I worked with people with very difficult communication needs and we would often create a small photograph book of essential things such as a photograph of the toilet,
their favourite cup for tea, a glass of milk, bag of crisps etc. Things that were important to the individual.

We also used a very basic sign language called Makaton (linked to British Sign Language) specially designed for people with learning disabilities.

I believe that as our loved ones lose more of their abilities that a number of aids and approaches used for people with learning disabilities can be useful and sites such as Mencap may be worth a look.

My partner has V Dementia and I have created a life story photo book with photos of his family, bedroom pets etc. There is writing under each photo which helps others communicate and it is a great tool to distract and re focus if anxious.

A seperate album is linked to day to day living eg, there is a photo of a bowl of porridge, a plate with toast and jam, a banana. I just take a digital photo of these individual items as we make them. If he is confused and struggling he finds the photo of what he wants, having some 'choice' in life is so important.

Another benefit is with regards to things like his shaver, house key, hair brush etc. In the past I have spent ages trying to find an item referred to as 'you know' getting the book out and going through the photos lets me know what we are looking for.


With regards to the forthcoming day centre attendance if you could get a photo of the transport, the keyworker or link person there then you could use these to reassure.

It may be that none of these suggestions are of any use, but just thought I would flag them up.

Cheers L & L