Family problems


Registered User
Feb 1, 2021
Hello, I am looking after my mother jointly with my sister, mum has dementia, and thankfully still lives at home.
this is where I would like her to stay as long as possible.
Sadly some times she falls and can not get back up, without help. She has an alarm wrist button,and gets daily visits.
The lockdown, has seriously restricted her activities, and she spends virtually everyday say in a chair watching television. I know this is a bad situation, when I visit, I sit and talk, and push her around the local area as exercise. She doesn't walk well and hates the cold, so this has been quite difficult recently, but I am hoping this will improve this year.I
My sister barely talks to my mother, my mother told me, she doesn't like her,I don't comment.
I have worked in care homes, and have experience of caring for the elderly, and dementia patients.
in my mother's case at the moment we laugh together a lot.
My main problems is not my mother but my sister and her 3rd husband.
I am going bald, it doesn't appear hereditary, I take vitamins and eat well, so my doctor has put it down to stress.
If I was a man I would probably get over baldness, slightly better, but I am female.
My story is a long one, I'll try and shorten it.
Mother, father, three girls, girls grow up leave home, 2 finally end up living quite near parents. Father gets Ill given 1 year to live if lucky. He manages 18 months, dies peacefully in his bed, Thank God.with m um, me and husband with him. Middle sister lives away, but tried to get home as often as possible, older sister, lives locally, ignores the situation, barely visits doesn't help. When I told her my concerns because my mother was caring 24/7 for my dad she suggested putting him in home, I asked Dad ! he didn't want to, so end of discussion. Older sister booked a holiday abroad instead. Father got worse, phoned Sisters,middle one set off to get here, older one came home from work and had a shower, phoned her friends, and waited till they arrived, I phoned again, she still didn't arrive she lived 2 streets away,, dad died, she turned up hours later, with friends, then left to try and cancel holiday, we sorted everything out and told my niece for her.I
Older sister married again, middle sister dislike husband so much she disowned all of us. We didn't like him, so just kept our distance. I have kept in touch, with middle sister through text, she seems okay.

Years later mum got diagnosed with dementia, we started a WhatsApp between me, my sister, husband and brother in law. My sister and I, shared the care, 3/4 days between us. Got joint power of attorney
Brother in law started writing snide nasty comments, tried to make out mum was torturing cat, no proof. I told sister how hurtful he was, she shrugged her shoulders, and told us to take it up with him.
We booked a holiday, at 11.30pm we were just getting ready to leave for the airport, B in L text a horrible message to my husband telling him how awful I was, and how upset my sister was.Husband drove us both there, sister watching telly, B in L drink ing on computer up stairs.
Big row , B in L accused me of leaving mother in bad state, and stealing from her, my husband called him a drunk, and told him to leave us alone, he was still shouting as we left.
Came back off holiday text ranted at sister, she told us she saved us from the police!!!I
Then things got bad.
Only communication was text between hubby and sister, or the odd note, I said I would have nothing to do with the money so they couldn't accuse me again.
Then 5 month later, B in L, did it again!! midnight messages, we had banned him from communicating with us, but he found years old messages, to sister ,this time I was apparently a drunk, and threatened both of us with police action , no proof of this,then told hubby they should meet and have a nice chat, about me!.
Hubby told him he had mental health problems, sister didn't know about messages.
She sent snide comments on notes, so I told her we were keeping a record of all of their messages, and suddenly they turned polite messages. I told my sister I didn't want him near my mother as he manipulates, distorts exagerates, facts. She ignored me. Mam doesn't like him, I don't talk about him.
Mams bank card doesn't work, I have informed sister, I just buy the items for mam now,
Please advise.. Any help !


Registered User
Nov 17, 2019
Hi....gawd,what a dilemma! If I were you I'd play my cards close to my chest and tell the sister and her husband the bare minimum,keep your sister informed,but that's all.This is all you need on top of caring for your Mother and the more you tell your sister and husband the more it's getting twisted and you don't need that.they say there's nowt queerer than folk,and they are so right.It's hard sometimes to understand where some people get a kick out of spreading lies and making others unhappy.Good luck to you,hope you get some peace from the situation,but you really have to protect yourself too in all of this.


Registered User
Feb 1, 2021
Thank you, but I actually think just ranting really helped...
My husband is a great man, but he is very different to me, in that he can encounter a problem, attempt to deal with it, then completely stop thinking about it. Sadly it festers on me like Marley s chains.
I have lovely friends, but I can't keep moaning about it to them..
I needed to tell someone, and thankfully on this site I have been given the chance.
Thank you.


Registered User
Sep 6, 2017
Hi @Goingbald I am sorry about your hair loss and yes stress can certainly do this. You are probably living on adrenalin and your immune system has gone mad and attacked your hair. I can't say that it will grow back but I have heard that it can sometimes. I used to work in a shop and a totally bald lady used to come in quite often with her son who was about fifteen years old. She was always very happy and appeared to not worry about her lack of hair but she did always wear a little make up and looked nice and eventually it seemed quite normal to me, her son seemed unworried about it. It's a big thing for a woman but she seemed to just get on with things and I admired her for that.

As @Kapow says I would keep any information to yourself. I learnt this with my SIL I tell her nothing and then she has no ammunition to try to get at me and it has worked.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
The hair loss is not uncommon actually. My son in law has an awfull type of cancer so my daughter is under a great deal of stress. She has been shedding too and her doctor thinks that the stress of the current situation is causing it.

My husband had a cardiac arrest at home seven years ago and I gave him CPR, saving his life. About four months later my hair started falling out and my doctor assured me that the adrenaline surge was the cause. And yes, I still have plenty of hair.

Families are capable of appalling behaviour at times. If I were you, I would block, their number, befriend them, do anything that will prevent their dreadful intrusion into your life.


Registered User
May 7, 2019
Hello, I am looking after my mother jointly with my sister, mum has dementia, and thankfully still lives at home.
this is where I would like her to stay as long as possible.
Sadly some times she falls and can not get back up, without help. She has an alarm wrist button,and gets daily visits.
The lockdown, has seriously restricted her activities, and she spends virtually everyday say in a chair watching television. I know this is a bad situation, when I visit, I sit and talk, and push her around the local area as exercise. She doesn't walk well and hates the cold, so this has been quite difficult recently, but I am hoping this will improve this year.I
My sister barely talks to my mother, my mother told me, she doesn't like her,I don't comment.
I have worked in care homes, and have experience of caring for the elderly, and dementia patients.
in my mother's case at the moment we laugh together a lot.
My main problems is not my mother but my sister and her 3rd husband.
I am going bald, it doesn't appear hereditary, I take vitamins and eat well, so my doctor has put it down to stress.
If I was a man I would probably get over baldness, slightly better, but I am female.
My story is a long one, I'll try and shorten it.
Mother, father, three girls, girls grow up leave home, 2 finally end up living quite near parents. Father gets Ill given 1 year to live if lucky. He manages 18 months, dies peacefully in his bed, Thank God.with m um, me and husband with him. Middle sister lives away, but tried to get home as often as possible, older sister, lives locally, ignores the situation, barely visits doesn't help. When I told her my concerns because my mother was caring 24/7 for my dad she suggested putting him in home, I asked Dad ! he didn't want to, so end of discussion. Older sister booked a holiday abroad instead. Father got worse, phoned Sisters,middle one set off to get here, older one came home from work and had a shower, phoned her friends, and waited till they arrived, I phoned again, she still didn't arrive she lived 2 streets away,, dad died, she turned up hours later, with friends, then left to try and cancel holiday, we sorted everything out and told my niece for her.I
Older sister married again, middle sister dislike husband so much she disowned all of us. We didn't like him, so just kept our distance. I have kept in touch, with middle sister through text, she seems okay.

Years later mum got diagnosed with dementia, we started a WhatsApp between me, my sister, husband and brother in law. My sister and I, shared the care, 3/4 days between us. Got joint power of attorney
Brother in law started writing snide nasty comments, tried to make out mum was torturing cat, no proof. I told sister how hurtful he was, she shrugged her shoulders, and told us to take it up with him.
We booked a holiday, at 11.30pm we were just getting ready to leave for the airport, B in L text a horrible message to my husband telling him how awful I was, and how upset my sister was.Husband drove us both there, sister watching telly, B in L drink ing on computer up stairs.
Big row , B in L accused me of leaving mother in bad state, and stealing from her, my husband called him a drunk, and told him to leave us alone, he was still shouting as we left.
Came back off holiday text ranted at sister, she told us she saved us from the police!!!I
Then things got bad.
Only communication was text between hubby and sister, or the odd note, I said I would have nothing to do with the money so they couldn't accuse me again.
Then 5 month later, B in L, did it again!! midnight messages, we had banned him from communicating with us, but he found years old messages, to sister ,this time I was apparently a drunk, and threatened both of us with police action , no proof of this,then told hubby they should meet and have a nice chat, about me!.
Hubby told him he had mental health problems, sister didn't know about messages.
She sent snide comments on notes, so I told her we were keeping a record of all of their messages, and suddenly they turned polite messages. I told my sister I didn't want him near my mother as he manipulates, distorts exagerates, facts. She ignored me. Mam doesn't like him, I don't talk about him.
Mams bank card doesn't work, I have informed sister, I just buy the items for mam now,
Please advise.. Any help !
Hi! It sounds like your B iL has a drinking problem especially as the messages are at night (previously married to an alcoholic). I would do what the others suggest. Play your cards close to your chest. They do not need to know.


Registered User
Feb 1, 2021
Thank you all for replying, it really has made me feel a bit better.
I naively, ignored my B in L, in the beginning, I actually just thought that because the claims he made were stupid and untrue, they didn't matter too much, later I realised that he really did believe the claims, and would argue they were true, with no proof.
My husband and I, have this 'thing", that if I start ranting about them, I stop and we say No, change the subject!!, I think this was wrong for me, because not venting I believe has just festered inside me, hence the hair loss. I know I should be okay with it, I've joked about wigs, but I'm quite upset really.I
I just feel if it isn't awful enough, that my mother is going through this difficult time, that I can't change for her, then you have to add this toxic, (and yes I agree, alcoholic), idiot in the mix.
I don't sleep very well, but last night I had a good night's sleep,.
Thank you for letting me rant, I really think it helps..


Registered User
May 7, 2019
Thank you all for replying, it really has made me feel a bit better.
I naively, ignored my B in L, in the beginning, I actually just thought that because the claims he made were stupid and untrue, they didn't matter too much, later I realised that he really did believe the claims, and would argue they were true, with no proof.
My husband and I, have this 'thing", that if I start ranting about them, I stop and we say No, change the subject!!, I think this was wrong for me, because not venting I believe has just festered inside me, hence the hair loss. I know I should be okay with it, I've joked about wigs, but I'm quite upset really.I
I just feel if it isn't awful enough, that my mother is going through this difficult time, that I can't change for her, then you have to add this toxic, (and yes I agree, alcoholic), idiot in the mix.
I don't sleep very well, but last night I had a good night's sleep,.
Thank you for letting me rant, I really think it helps..
I have learnt that you cannot change people. I care for my dad who has VD and can be VERY awkward to say the least . If he won’t do something because he cannot be bothered then he will suffer the consequences.Dad has fluctuating capacity. Just take on board what you can deal with .. Take some time out for YOU!


Registered User
Feb 1, 2021
I have found, that it really is role reversal, I now explain things to my mum, like you would explain things to a child.
I keep repeating on here, that I feel better, but honestly, I do.
Venting does not remove or improve what's going on, but it obviously removes some of the pressure/tension, going on.
I had a really good moan, about what is going on, to people who actually know what I am talking about, and I feel better. Thank you.I
Yes it doesn't change what is going on, but I feel better...selfish, but true.


Registered User
Sep 6, 2017
No it is not selfish, not one bit. Anyone who looks after someone with dementia should reap huge rewards from somewhere. I don't know where but they should. Instead they are rarely recognised as someone of great value and are sometimes actively avoided by those that should know better and are often viewed with suspicion and yes I do mean other family members.

These people refuse to admit there is anything wrong and because they don't want to be seen in a bad light they turn the carer into the bad guy because of course the carer is after something and is probably lining their pockets. It is bad behaviour on their part and I would try to see as little of them as possible.

Tell them nothing unless they ask and keep it short if they do.

A good rant can make you feel a bit better so rant away.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Having a good moan on here is part of what this forum is for and Im glad you feel better.
Its not being selfish, its self care. We all need to do it, although we feel somehow that we shouldnt.


Registered User
Sep 2, 2019
OH and I were in your position three years ago, having to deal with the exact same text/email/phone call (plus other weird contact) aggression from my sister, BiL and their children.

We also were reported to the police and social services by them.

We DID NOT respond/reply to any text/email; when the phone calls came, whichever member of sisters family phoned, they always started off by saying "we are recording this call"
We just put the phone down.

I never would have believed that sister's raised by two loving parents could have such different outlooks on life. I blame 100% my bully brother in law.
My social media is still being tracked by them (I don't Facebook / Twitter now), but please PM if you think I can help you with your situation.


Registered User
Mar 14, 2023
Family dynamics can indeed be complex, and it's surprising how siblings raised in the same environment can have such different perspectives. Dealing with difficult family situations can be challenging, but seeking guidance and support can make a difference.


Registered User
Mar 14, 2023
Family dynamics can indeed be complex, and it's surprising how siblings raised in the same environment can have such different perspectives. Dealing with difficult family situations can be challenging, but seeking guidance and support can make a difference.
Oh, if you're looking for resources to navigate through family issues or seeking advice, might offer some helpful insights.

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