False Teeth broken


Registered User
Jul 27, 2020
Hi can anyone tell me whether they have had this situation and what you have done please
Dad has a plate with 2 front false teeth - he's had it for years.
All has been fine but just in the last few months he was starting to take it out and leaving it in various places around his bedroom in the Care Home.
Not sure if it has started to hurt ? or his Alzheimers progression means he doesn't want it anymore.... But once found and cleaned I hand it to him and he puts it back in.
Last week I noticed ( as did my Mum who has Mixed Dem and got upset ) that he didn't have his teeth in. I found them in the bedroom and went to clean them but I found that the wire clasps / hooks were gone so no way of keeping the plate in his mouth.

I have brought the plate home with me and started phoning Dental Labs about possible repairs but sadly as I feared they tell me an impression is required to find out the correct position for the hooks.
I'm unsure of whether Dad would be compliant with a Dentist doing an impression , probably might depend on the day.
Has anyone successfully got an impression and sorted this out ?
Thank you


Registered User
Dec 17, 2021
Yes, I am in the middle of doing this with my dad. He is coping well with the appointments so far. I have gone in with him both times so far to do all the explaining to the dentist. Dad is keen to have his teeth sorted so he can eat more easily again. Not sure I have any more tips other than give it a try.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
We abandoned the false teeth as mum seemed to cope ok without them…..it took a bit of getting used to by family but she seemed unbothered!


Registered User
Jan 13, 2019
The Banjoman lost his plate with a couple of teeth on it, one obviously in the front and the other a molar. As it had been such a difficult process getting it made and fitted when he had all his faculties I didn’t even think about trying to get a new one after his dementia really kicked in. His sister did mention it but I said she could arrange it if she thought it necessary. Nothing happened.


Registered User
Jul 27, 2020
Thank you for all your replies.

I don't think we will be organising any dental plate work.
As you say @sdmhred your Mum was unbothered by her lack of teeth and I'm beginning to think the same with my Dad.
It is as you rightly say an adjustment for me and the family. I know the old Dad would be horrified to not have his plate in but it is me that is upset by the thought of it being undignified for him.
I can totally understand what you are saying @Banjomansmate and I agree knowing what it is like to have an impression taken.

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