Everything has changed.


Registered User
Jul 20, 2011
I think the constipation could begin to be a real problem. I suggest you give the Admiral nurses a ring in the morning and take their advice but I think you/he need more help. I can't remember if you said the back pain had been diagnosed or treated but that plus possible constipation is going to leave him completely out of sorts and you need some medical advice Below are the details for the admiral nurses xx
0800 888 6678 for advice.

Monday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am – 5:00pm, 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Thursday 9:00am – 5:00pm, 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Sunday 9:00am – 5:00pm


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
could the back pain be caused by constipation?

And paracetamol can cause constipation as well in some people, what a rubbish GP


Registered User
Sep 3, 2013
Thankyou Fizzie and jugglingmum. It is now day five. He has had 3 laxido and still nothing. Woke up soaking wet again this morning. I phoned uncontinence people yesterday to ask for something else to put under him and they said the new pads that I've had delivered where much better and to use them and see how it goes. Well I have problems keeping them on properly during the day. Whenever he goes to the toilet he never puts it back straight. So I think i will buy some pads that go on the bed underneath him. Meanwhile I will phone the Admiral nurses to see what they think. Thankyou. Thing is I worked as a carer for a few years and know how to put the pads on, but when you are at work there is usually two people toileting the residents and it is easy with two. David doesn't always let me help him. What a flipping carry-on.xxx


Registered User
Sep 3, 2013
P.S. Social services are going to arrange help for me in the morning ,with his personal care. Don't know how long that will take to arrange of what time it will be.??


Registered User
Nov 27, 2014
So sorry to hear about the awful time you are having Casbow. When my mum was very ill she was constipated and they gave her everything under the sun. In the end she insisted I get her syrup of figs and that worked.
If nothing helps would the District Nurses give him an enema? As I'm sure you're aware constipation can exacerbate the symptoms of dementia. Do hope you get help asap. The Crisis Response Team are excellent here, you have to be referred by the GP. You could both get hurt when you're trying to move him on your own.


Registered User
Sep 3, 2013
Casbow, my husband started with seizures last year and they think it was a side effect of his tablets he did have about 4 before they started him on medication to stop them but he seemed to mirror your husband as he had them then he slept for a long time after coming from the hospital then he showed significant improvement and I often comentated that it had shifted some debris from his brain. I thought perhaps it was my imagination but now you have written this it brought it back and I remember the comments I used to make. He has now been on medication for the seizures after seeing a neurologist and he hasn't had one now since April. You will need to see if this was a one off or whether it happens again, I must say though that the first one he had was the worse one and after that they were a lot milder.

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Thank you for your comments. Today he has been quiet and calm nearly all the time. Problem we have when he had the seizure ,was once he came round he refused anymore help, including going to hospital. At the moment my biggest worry is that he hasn't had his bowels open for ,this is the 5th day. He has had 4 powders today and i am really worried about what is going on. He is at this moment a bit irritable but i am sure its because he is uncomfortable. What can I do to make him sit and try to go.xxx


Registered User
Sep 3, 2013
In the last three weeks we have had two doctors appointments at the surgery, two doctor home visits. Paramedics out when he had the seizure Phone calls to 111, phone calls to social worker. Phone calls to the incontinence nurse. I don't know what I have to do next. It,s now 8.30 pm. 5 Laxido and he still hasn't been. But he is eating as normal. Why doesn,t he go to to the loo. He also doesn't want me to help him get ready to sit down, so I feel that this is all going to end in a horrible mess. With me clearing up!!x


Registered User
Oct 8, 2009
I can't quite believe how long someone can go with out going to the toilet but my young grand daughter must hold the record. I can only think that the best you can do is to give him as many foods you can that are a natural laxative. Liquorice sweets as a snack by his arm chair and anything else that you can put in his diet. Dried prunes that come in a nice moist snack pack and any fruit and veg that might help. Sorry can't help much more.

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Registered User
Sep 3, 2013
I don't know what is going on. Thats' another message that disappeared. This one is going to be shorter as I'm fed up now. David finally had a bowel movement at 6.00am this morning. In Bed. Not going into the details but it took 2 hours of cleaning him and everything else. Bed linen thrown away. Phoned Admiral nurse. He was very kind and helpful. Now I am going to post this before I loose it.xx


Registered User
Nov 7, 2012
Everything has changed

Oh Casbow, what a time you are having. Let's hope that now your husbands bowels have worked he will be able to start going normally .. You can but hope! Hang in there girl, you're doing a great job. Can only send hugs and xxx


Registered User
Sep 3, 2013
Oh Casbow, what a time you are having. Let's hope that now your husbands bowels have worked he will be able to start going normally .. You can but hope! Hang in there girl, you're doing a great job. Can only send hugs and xxx
Thankyou Florence.x