Ever Decreasing Items!


New member
May 18, 2022
So here I am, posting for the first time, although I often pop on when I have a 'new' issue to deal with to seek guidance. My mum is over 2 years into her Alzheimer's Diagnosis, although was diagnosed with some brain impairment over 6 years ago, which doctors put down to a Thiamine deficiency. Clearly there was something more serious going on! She lives alone after losing my dad late in 2017. From the outset I had to take on her financials as it was clear, despite always being able to reckon up to the last penny, she no longer had the ability to do this. The years have gone by and when it became clear I really needed help (and to be frank I was burning out), we arranged for carers to go in twice a day. There is not enough room on here to go into all the issues we have had, but after a chest infection around a month ago (she has been physically well for at least 5 years, apart from her Alzheimers diagnosis), things have deteriorated quite a lot. Her most recent antics have involved her throwing her clothes and food in the bin. It is a constant battle. Every day I go I firstly check the dustbin, then the kitchen bin and pull out the clothes, take them home, wash them, dry them, take them back to her, and then the next time I go ... yes you've guessed it, they can be in the bin again (this has happened every day for the past 3 weeks). They are not all new clothes, some are very familiar to her. I get calls from the carers to say she has no underwear (they are in the bin). This is now happening with food. I take a photo of the fridge contents every time I go, then check against the last photo I took - it is like playing spot the difference! I then go on the hunt for the 4 ready meals that have gone missing etc. Missing clothes is one thing, but not having enough food in the house is a different ball game. Drastic times call for drastic measures as they say, so today I have purchased a combination lock for her spare bedroom so only family and carers can access, where I will put extra clothes and a new fridge freezer for extra food. She will still have her other clothes in her own bedroom and food in the fridge and cupboards in the kitchen, but there will be an extra stash in the spare room. I hope this solution works for us and hopefully it will help others on here with the same issue.

Feeling unsupported

Registered User
Jul 9, 2021
Oh, how I feel your pain. This is exactly how my mum was. Just a word of warning, we eventually came to the realisation that things were being flushed down the toilet. Her teeth were never found again, nor, were some of the few jewellery pieces she had. At this stage, I 'rescued' any remaining jewellery and with her blessing, took home for safe keeping. It really is exhausting isn't it? It is these frustrations that people who have not experienced this dreadful disease do not understand.


New member
May 18, 2022
Surprisingly, even though she has thrown so much away, I was delighted yesterday to find all our family photos still intact which I hastily boxed up and asked her if I could take to have a look through, telling her I would make her an album to look through of all her favourites. I'm so glad we managed to rescue them. Thanks for the advice on the loo, I'll get the plumber on standby!

Feeling unsupported

Registered User
Jul 9, 2021
Surprisingly, even though she has thrown so much away, I was delighted yesterday to find all our family photos still intact which I hastily boxed up and asked her if I could take to have a look through, telling her I would make her an album to look through of all her favourites. I'm so glad we managed to rescue them. Thanks for the advice on the loo, I'll get the plumber on standby!
😉good thinking!....we ordered a proper printed book of a selection of family photographs, along with names and relationships added. This made a useful gift, which has been shared very many times with visitors and care staff etc. Alas, mum now no longer recognises any of the faces in there, but it was good while it lasted. 💔