Escaping from memory problems


Registered User
Jan 6, 2008
Hi all,
I'm new here. Firstly my Dad who is 73 has Dementia. he is in the early stages and fortunately has medication which is helping. he is still driving although My mum and I dont think he should, but then they would be totally housebound as mum dosnt drive. he is just at the very forgetfull stage at the mo.
But I also like Mand , have Fibromyalgia and suffer from the 'fibrofog'. For those of you who dont know any thing about Fibromyalgia (FM) , briefly, it is very asimilar to M.E but with FM one gets terrible pain and aching in all the muscles, tendons and ligaments throughout the whole body, as well as the exhaustion.I 'live' my life as it is now with 24 hour exhaustion and pain. To go out I now need a wheelchair or electric scooter and cant drive any more. My life has basically been turned upside down.
Also accompainying this is the memory problems. It is well documented that FM sufferers get this brain fog. I forget what I'm saying mid sentence, I forget names especially, I use wrong word like asking my hubby to 'rewind' my moblie phone! Whilst I know it is the FM that causes the brainfog I also worry whethter I really am getting Altzheimers early on because of my dad. My short term memory is shocking. look forward to chatting to you all.
I also have a blog which documents my daily struggles with life . here is the link,


Registered User
Sep 26, 2008
support groups

Hi does anyone know of any support groups for people with memory problems who are in early 60s and near wimbledon?



Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello Steve

Sorry I don`t know London well enough to find your nearest AS Branch but I hope someone will soon come along who does.

If yo go to the main front page of the Alzheimers Society by clicking on it on the Green Bar at the top of the page, by inserting your postcode you will find your nearest branch. I hope this helps.

Love xx


Registered User
Oct 28, 2008
My mothers poor memory.

Forgetting things is frustrating, but my mother denies she forgets and then gets angry and critical which alienates people. I have been caring for her for over 20 years. She lives alone and is now 87 with several health problems. I have been finding it so hard to cope with, because I feel I have to consatntly try to guess what is needed before it is needed then when I ( or anyone else) try and help she gets furious. Things were very bad a few months ago, I was very depressed and everytime mother phoned ( often 10 times a day)I felt such a wrench of despair. Then I decided to look at it from a different point of view. If she wont let people help her, then I need to help me, and other people like me. So I began using my work experience with AD and Learning Difficulties to divide what goes wrong into managable parts, such as kitchen problems, bathing problems, clothing , heating etc.
I still feel sick when the phone goes, but knowing that I can go and look something up to help, really helps me. I have a long list of phone numbers that I can call if she has forgotten something, she and I arranged meals on wheels and homecare but she doensn't like them. Never the less I am less stressed about her home curcumstances. If I am less stressed then so will she be. I am hoping to get this organised in such a way that other people can use it as an aide memoir.
If we can all learn to laugh at our own little problems it helps others to cope with them aswell. A smile makes the world go round so much easier, I guess what I am trying to say is love and accept yourself and others even if they don't do things the way you want them to. Remebering "Smile and the world smiles with you, weep and you weep alone" has got me through many "strange" situations with my mother.


Registered User
Feb 13, 2009
hello everyone

I have memory problems i get so so upset some days, i was told yesterday that i could have another momory test done in july if i want it, i had my first memory test done last july, i find it really hard to understand why me!:confused:

joanne k

Registered User
Apr 5, 2009
CST is an easy to arrange, fun and confidence boosting activity


As a group you might be interested in getting some Cognitive Stimulation Therapy sessions going. My mother has been attending a group in Sussex, it's great fun, confidence boosting and seems to help with cognitive performance. CST is recommended by NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) for all people with mild - moderate dementia and the sessions could be adapted for people with memory problems. The easy to follow guide "Making a Difference" is available through More info on CST is available from and training for facilitators is available through For Dementia. If you need any more info let me know through PM. All the best Joanne


Registered User
Mar 17, 2005
South West
Hi Retired Ones Just read your thread and thought it was great I have experience everything in your article at some point, since I have been retired forgetting things doesn’t bother me at all (( and it happens several times a day )) I just say ho well it may come back to me later no sense beating yourself up over it

Cheers Tony

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