EPA - Questions


Registered User
Jan 31, 2004
near London
What surprised me though was that I still had to write a letter of consent for Dad to be given the vaccine at the NH, after I had given them the vaccine.
I believe that care homes have to keep records of these things because they are accountable for all outcomes where they have made an intervention of any sort.

They need to cover their interests, in other words.:)


I couldn't agree more with Roman on the Mental Capacity Act. It is likely to cause an awful lot of problems in the very near future - and I am in the midst of dealing with one of those problems.

As for flu jab: my 83-yr old relative has always had the flu jab; is now in assessment unit waiting residential care; her GP forwarded to me the standard GP letter reminding patients that it is flu jab time, so I countersigned the letter and delivered it to the hospital assessment unit; I told the SW I was doing so, and she said that it was fine as long as I gave my consent for that flu jab to take place. I don't see where the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) should come in here - if the patient has always had a flu jab when able to make that decision, then they should be able to continue doing so. You don't need an EPA or LPA or anything like that.

As for the Attendance Allowance: my relative received attendance allowance for the last 2 years; all I had to do then was to be appointed by the Pension Service to be her appointed representative as far as all pension and other benefits were concerned. It had nothing then to do with EPAs or anything else. But I don't yet know the full ramifications of the MCA - and I don't see why it should require an application for an EPA to be registered or an LPA to be created.

But the workings of this new act are mysterious indeed! I phoned yesterday to make enquiries about my own situation re. the MCA, and I was told a very different story from the story I was told 2 weeks ago. Same office of the Public Guardian - same telephone number just a different person on the other end of the phone!

Good wishes to you .


Registered User
Aug 8, 2007
Flu Jab

My sister signed a letter of consent at the home for flu jab but the home said the nurse said she won't give it unless we have power of attorney.I think this is wrong.Her GP said it is 'rubbish' and she can have it and will put her on the list.At the time I thought it was the home refusing to give it but they said No it is the nurse.I suspect there may be some deabte going on now as I have rung the district nurses and left a message saying what the doc said.I am not happy and having read the act think they are not interpreting it correctly.I did say to my sister i would threaten to sue if mum got the flu!

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