End of Life


Registered User
Jan 3, 2020
Hi all, mum hasn’t eat properly for weeks now, hardly drinks and is skin and bone. She’s getting a bit more sleepy now. The nurse told me two weeks ago that she thought mum would go soon, today she said she is amazed she’s still with us. This is absolute torture for me, I’m waiting on the call all the time when I’m not there and feel sick to my stomach. How long can my poor mum go on like this.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Im so sorry to hear this @Lunapup
I think the answer to your question "How long can this go on?" is - a lot longer than you would possibly imagine. People can seem to go on for a very long time on small quantities of food and drink and my mum went on for 17 days with absolutely no food or fluid at all.

When she is getting close to the end there will be various physical changes - there will be mottling of the skin, her limbs will grow cold and the breathing will change so that there are gaps between breaths.

This is a very difficult time when you feel in limbo
Makes sure you eat, sleep and look after yourself, because you are in for the long haul


Registered User
Jan 3, 2020
Im so sorry to hear this @Lunapup
I think the answer to your question "How long can this go on?" is - a lot longer than you would possibly imagine. People can seem to go on for a very long time on small quantities of food and drink and my mum went on for 17 days with absolutely no food or fluid at all.

When she is getting close to the end there will be various physical changes - there will be mottling of the skin, her limbs will grow cold and the breathing will change so that there are gaps between breaths.

This is a very difficult time when you feel in limbo
Makes sure you eat, sleep and look after yourself, because you are in for the long haul
Thank you for replying Canary x

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