

Registered User
Nov 8, 2021
My OH has been prescribed this in capsule form. The doctor said that she could hear a slight crackling in his chest and told me we had two options. 1. Do nothing and see what happens. 2. Give me a prescription for this antibiotic. Until I collected the prescription I had no idea that it was large capsules. OH takes lansoprazole which had to be changed from capsule form to dissolving as he couldn't swallow the capsules. As this is on his records I'm surprised he was prescribed capsules and also there was a warning that not to be prescribed to patients with oesophagus problems which he has as he has Barratt's oesophagus and is always complaining about feelings in his throat. I am very reluctant to give him them but worry whatever is going on in his chest will deteriorate. Am I wrong to question the GP, over thinking, or just over anxious about this. Would appreciate your advice.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
No, I dont think you are over thinking it

I would get back to the doctor, explain your concerns and ask if it can be prescribed in a different form (eg liquid) or be given an alternative antibiotic