Double Whammy Virus


Registered User
Nov 26, 2022
Hi everyone - I just wondered if anyone can share experiences? My Dad, later stages and in a nursing home, became unwell and nursing staff were concerned at his oxygen levels and breathing. In hospital he was checked over and they found via bloods that he had both 'flu and covid. He wasn't kept in and is now around 2 weeks later. He hasn't been able to get up out of a chair or walk at all since then and has barely opened his eyes. He's been eating (soft diet) on autopilot with help. Having visited today, he seems to be leaning to one side in his chair and doesn't have the strength to hold his drinks, or to sit more upright. His hands and legs were icy cold despite his room being warm. He didn't open his eyes for more than a couple of seconds a couple of times and just seems so 'out of it'
He's always had the constitution of an ox and been very physically fit and strong for his age so it's quite alarming to see him so crushed at the moment. Do you think it's a normal ish reaction to having 2 viruses? He still has a nasty productive cough and snotty nose too. It's his skin feeling so cold that worries me most!


Registered User
Feb 16, 2023
Heavens @Sonya1 , Flu, and Covid. Both of those by themselves floor me for at least 2 weeks, and I don't have dementia. I have only had Covid once and I also had cold legs, and couldn't get them warm. The 2nd week was almost worse than the first, and then I slowly got my strength back. It sounds very normal to me.
(Before anyone chimes in with Man Flu, I do know the difference between a cold and Flu. 😉)