Don't try this at home


Registered User
Making drinks for a visitor and feeling something was wrong I discovered I had put typhoo tea bag, lemon and ginger tea bag and spoonful of instant coffee into the cup before pouring the water on.
mr A is back, time to curl up on the sofa and watch trashy TV


Registered User
Interesting combination Shelagh......I've only tried the typhoo and coffee up till now!:D
Take care, Love, Necion. x

miss cool

Registered User
Hi Shelagh your drink sounds like myn, i keep trying but it seens to happen, funny old thing this illness is init.

love miss cool.xxxxxxxxx


Registered User
mum makes wonderful drinks too

Shelagh i have tasted worse...:D. The mix of these flavours could catch on. My mum makes a wonderful cup of ketchup tea, it just doesnt go well with milk :rolleyes:
A day with trashy TV can be a good, my teenage daughters find it fascinating xxx
Thanks to all the dementia sufferers for telling their stories as it helps me to try and understand what my mum may be feeling


Registered User
Hi Shelagh, I'd just like to echo what Confused said, to thank you all for your stories of just how this illness affects you. Without all of you, we would know even less.

Confuse...Cream of Tomato Soup in a cup?? could catch on.
Love, Necion. xx


Registered User
the worst drink i ever had was at glastonbury festival when jeremy made coffee and then poured undiluted lemon juice into the coffee thinking it was a container of milk!
It was dark we just had a campfire so didnt know til it was in your mouth yuk yuk and treble yuk:eek::eek::eek:
Chins up shelagh and miss cool we travel this road together
Its nice that we can share here and feel supported isnt it?