Does this type of care home exist?


Registered User
Sep 5, 2014
Hi everyone

My father in law has serious dementia but also has a number of other physical problems that mean that he is confined to a wheelchair and needs constant nursing attention as he is prone to sudden changes of mood. He is currently in an assessment unit where he has been for the last 9 months and there seems to be little chance of him moving to somewhere permanent any time soon as his care requirements are so significant. He has significant private finance available to him and my question is whether or not a private hospital exists that would take him on. We have been hugely impressed by the care that he has received courtesy of the NHS but would love to move him somewhere more comfortable for him but don't really know where to start. We are based in the West London/Berkshire/Surrey area.

I would very much appreciate any advice you can give me as I am very fond of him and just want to make him as comfortable as I can.

Thanks very much


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Have you asked the assessment unit consultant for a list of places that could meet your FIL's perceived needs?

Don't phrase any question asking for a recommendation.


Registered User
Jun 6, 2014
Significant cae requirements

I was wondering if your father-in-law has had an NHS Continuing Healthcare assessment completed whilst on the NHS Unit. If he has significant health needs he could be entitled to NHS funding for his care in a Nursing Home. You certainly should ask if this assessment has been done and if so why were you (or family members) not informed as you have a right to be informed and to attend the assessment. I strongly suspect that this assessment has not been completed and your father-in-law will remain where he is until someone is proactive enough to realise that he might be more comfortable cared for elsewhere. It may be that you (and family members) will have to start the ball rolling as once a person is "in the system" things can be overlooked. Does your father-in-law have a social worker, or if not, a "Named nurse" who would be responsible for his day to day care. You could approach them and discuss your concerns. if your father-in-law has high enough needs to meet the criteria for NHS Continuing Healthcare funding, and I suspect he does, then his care in a good nursing home would be funded by the NHS not himself. Unfortunately the powers that be ie the health professionals caring for him at present, are often less well informed than they should be and patients get stuck in the system.
I hope you can make some sense of this reply and I hope you are able to raise the issues and find a satisfactory answer to enable your father-in-law to live the last years of his life in some comfort.
You may have a battle on your hands and it takes a lot of persistence and energy to pursue what you believe in and I'm sure you are right there is a better place for care to be provided.
Take care and I wish you and your family all good wishes.


Registered User
Oct 18, 2010
North East England
There will always be a place found when money is not an issue....but do you really want it to be a case of money talks. Talk to the Assessment Unit staff, and to the hospital Social Worker. Telephone your Local Authority Adult Social Care and also Google for EMI or Dementia homes in the Berkshire/Surrey area and work down the lists looking at them and their QCC ( like offsted for care homes) reports.....then go and visit them, chooosing different times of the day to make your visits.
Consider the it on a bus route, a long walk from the train, is there a decent car park or is it a long way for visitors from their home? Look at the rooms, the overall cleanliness, the smell, the safety processes, the attitude of the staff to residents and visitors. Look at the laundry, look at the dining room and the menus.Is there a quiet lounge?Is there space outdoors to sit in the sun? Ask residents or visitors what makes them happy. Make a short list and go back and look again, asking about Hairdressing,Dentists, GPs, Opticians, Chiropodists. Ask about outings and activities and paying for extras like televisions or telephones in the rooms.Does the CH do the name tagging?

The main reason for choosing a particular home is to choose the one that feel right for your Fil. Good Luck.:)

Not so Rosy

Registered User
Nov 30, 2013
Have sent you a suggestion. Dads CPN spoke very highly of this place. This is a private mental health facility plus a two tier Dementia Nursing Home on the same site according to needs.

Editing post to address some issues Members above have raised.

This facility does accept CHC funded patients if you manage to secure it for your family member. Forget public transport its up a single track steep lane, albeit with outstanding views to the South Downs.

I didn't view all the wards just the one appropriate for my Dad which was a Male only ward.

There are four Consultant Psychiatrists who work at the facility.

All the usual services are available, Gp's, Hairdressing etc.
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