Does not sleep at night


New member
Jun 11, 2024
Hello. My dad gets absolutely no sleep during the night. His doctor prescribed trazodone, but it doesn’t work. I will also try over-the-counter sleep aids and they don’t work either. Can anyone recommend anything that can help in this matter?

Thank you so much!


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @AngelKay and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. I am sorry to read about your dad's sleep issues which are quite common in people with dementia. Unfortunately we are not allowed to recommend specific mediation but it might be useful to go back to the doctor and explain that the current medication is not working. Please also be careful of using over the counter medications as they can react with any other medications that your dad is taking.

You might find this link useful.



Registered User

You say the doctor prescribed the medication mentioned. Was it your Dad's GP ? If so I would recommend the GP makes a referral to the memory clinic to see what other medication would work, as they are the specialists.
Hope this helps,



Registered User
Aug 30, 2013
Hello. My dad gets absolutely no sleep during the night. His doctor prescribed trazodone, but it doesn’t work. I will also try over-the-counter sleep aids and they don’t work either. Can anyone recommend anything that can help in this matter?

Thank you so much!
Does he sleep during the day, away from his bed?
If so then check his room and bed for comfort, too hot/cold/noisy, lie in his bed for at least 1/2 hr, is the mattress worn out?
He might be happier with sheet and blankets rarther than a duvet.
Does he go to bed hungry/thirsty?
Be very careful of "sleeping" pills, enough the do the job, will leave him very drowsy the next day and liable to falls, not enough will leave him drowsy and a very real falls risk during the night.
