Discharge from hospital

Tears Falling

Registered User
Jul 8, 2013
Prior to someone coming out of hospital should am assessment be completed to understand their ongoing care requirements? Who completes or instigates this?



Registered User
Jan 17, 2007
Prior to someone coming out of hospital should am assessment be completed to understand their ongoing care requirements? Who completes or instigates this?


Just about to go through this, the hospital contact a Social Worker and they and the nurses along with your input complete the assessment


Registered User
Apr 16, 2012
Gillybean is absolutely correct and the hospital staff should be talking to you about it. However, on one famous occasion, MIL told staff that she lived with her daughter (who doesn't exist) and, on top of that, they decided she had capacity so were just going to pop her into an ambulance and send her home:eek: Best to approach someone on the ward to make sure that things are moving along properly.


Registered User
Aug 20, 2006
Prior to someone coming out of hospital should am assessment be completed to understand their ongoing care requirements? Who completes or instigates this?


Yes, there should be a best interests meeting beforehand involving everyone such a doctors, social workers etc to decide the best way forward and to draw up a complete care plan. As a relative you can be part of that although as far as I am aware you cannot actually veto anything. A lot will depends on whether the patient is deemed to have mental capacity or not

The hospital PALS service (Patient Advice and Liason Service) should be able to help you, all hospitals are required to have one

Tears Falling

Registered User
Jul 8, 2013
After spending an exhausting week with my parenrs, mum was hospitialed with.....were not sure what at the mo. Is causing physical problems and unresponsiveness. Hoping the docs will determine the cause and problems. and treatment. Took 3 med staff to move mum which dad ccant do on his own....

Will look at pals tomorrow and see whsts out there for next steps

Tears Falling

Registered User
Jul 8, 2013
Thanks for the link. I will have a look at it. Dad is so worried about how he will manage when she is discharged. :(

Pete R

Registered User
Jul 26, 2014
Tears falling,

From the small amount you have said about your Mum I assume she is nowhere near discharge. If that is the case then slow down and reassure your Dad. No plans can be made till they find out what is wrong and the treatment needed.

The hospital should refer your Mum to Social services well before they deem her fit for release.

There should be a white board or similar by the nurses station with all the ward patients on. Look for your Mums and see what is written under "section 2 and if a name is down under "Social Worker".

If nothing then just ask the nurses but all this could be some way off yet.

Good Luck:)

Tears Falling

Registered User
Jul 8, 2013
Tears falling,

From the small amount you have said about your Mum I assume she is nowhere near discharge. If that is the case then slow down and reassure your Dad. No plans can be made till they find out what is wrong and the treatment needed.

The hospital should refer your Mum to Social services well before they deem her fit for release.

There should be a white board or similar by the nurses station with all the ward patients on. Look for your Mums and see what is written under "section 2 and if a name is down under "Social Worker".

If nothing then just ask the nurses but all this could be some way off
Good Luck:)

Thanks. I was asking the question as it's one of the things dad is worrying about. He has said today that they have got the words social worker next to her name.....added sometime in the last 24 hours. :) he has called the duty social worker himself today and they have mum on the list to receive assignment.

Hoping there is still plenty of time before discharge happens as she is not stable as yet and any change in mess needs time to steady itself, before coming home, in my humble opinion.

Reassuring and supporting from a distance as ever...

Pete R

Registered User
Jul 26, 2014
Thanks. I was asking the question as it's one of the things dad is worrying about. He has said today that they have got the words social worker next to her name.....added sometime in the last 24 hours. :) he has called the duty social worker himself today and they have mum on the list to receive assignment.

Hoping there is still plenty of time before discharge happens as she is not stable as yet and any change in mess needs time to steady itself, before coming home, in my humble opinion.

Reassuring and supporting from a distance as ever...
Discharge is still some while off. Once the SW is assigned they will probably introduce themselves but until your Mum is anywhere near medically ready they may not do much else due to their workload.

You and your Dad should make it clear from the first meeting that he would not be able to cope at home and they should come up with an alternative that is good for everyone.

Good luck.:)


Registered User
Sep 7, 2012
It's probably a good idea to ask Social Services for a Carers Assessment on your Dad if he hasn't had one, that way their are two people's needs to be taken into account.

What you must struggle/fight to prevent...stop!!! is your Mum being discharged before a care package is put into place.

Carers to help your Dad with the care of your Mum.
Ring Alzheimer's Society 0300 222 1122, hopefully they will provide you with advice, information and support.


Registered User
Oct 1, 2012
Hi, My mom was discharged after a water infection, A team of support discharge workers/carers contact you. depending what your loved one was admitted for, these workers should contact you, working with the support of a social worker and psychiatric nurse also. This is what happened in my moms case, as she has V Dementia. My mom had to stay in hospital and await a enable package of care, This took three weeks to set up, as my mom wasn't drinking and was deemed unfit for discharge, but once fit, we had to wait for this to be set up with hospital social worker. Support worker help with personnel care, tablet prompting. eating and drinking prompting and the like. IT'S FREE Ring the hospital and ask to speak to social worker, they may put you through to social services. Everyone is entitled to this sort of care even if it's a spouse. My thoughts go out to you, today my mom went into respite care to give us both a much needed break.
It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Thinking of you at this difficult time. You will get lots of good advice and support from this site. Regards SJCares.

Tears Falling

Registered User
Jul 8, 2013
Thanks all. We are attempting to move a bit more on the social worker....no discharge discussed today. Looking for the assessment meeting to be set up. Mum was distressed again tonight and I have tried to calm her down and reassure her. Not easy when her heart is overflowing with tears and mine is breaking. Devastating and helpless (me) as ever. Adding no value and hearing the parents I love fall apart.


Tears Falling

Registered User
Jul 8, 2013
Well she is home. The wonderful health service provided no discharge assistance at all. Glad mum is home but very disappointed with the lack of assistance in regards to going home.

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