Disagree with social worker re mums care


New member
Mum has had Alzheimer’s for about 5 years. For the last 6/9 months she has started going to the local shops during the night. She is often waiting outside for the newsagents to open when the staff get there at 5.30. She goes into the hairdressers 3 or 4 times a day often because she thinks she is starting work there. She has been in respite care home for 2 weeks but social worker wants to send her home! She is not safe at home! What do I do?


Registered User
Does she live on her own still? I suppose she had carers several times a day. That doesn’t help with the night time walks though. I’d seek another opinion.


Volunteer Host
Hello @Emgrandma

I faced this last summer with my late dad. He'd been in a carehome for 4 weeks, after a stay in hospital, could hardly walk, kept falling, didn't recognise his own home and yet I still had to fight to keep him where he was. SS wanted to send him home.

It's about money and it's cheaper to provide care at home. But, as you say, your mum is not safe anymore because of her wandering so unless she is self funding you need to fight to keep her where she is.

I made it plain that I wasn't capable of providing the level of care my dad needed anymore and that I considered it a "safeguarding" issue and if anything happened to him because they'd sent him home I would hold them responsible for "failing in their duty of care to a vulnerable adult ".

Good luck! Let us know what happens.
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New member
Thank you for all your replies. I’ve just spoken to social worker again and they have agreed to another week in respite while we sort out what happens next. I’ve told her I can’t look after mum any more. She lives with my Dad but he is not able to look after her. He has emphysema and has now started with memory problems. Someone from memory clinic is going to visit him tomorrow to assess him!