Deputyship Start date


New member
Feb 8, 2024
Hi All,
Sorry to ask what might seem a silly question but..... I now have been granted deputyship and received the court of protection order. It is dated November 2023 next to the Judges name, but stamped by the court of protection January 2024, which date will be the start date? I thought November but now I am questioning if that's correct!
Best wishes to all


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Hello and welcome. No idea about the answer to your question, but someone will.
Is there any reason why it matters?
In other legal matters the date date of the judgement is what counts, processing paperwork comes second while the "office staff" process the judgement which has already been made.
Someone on here will no doubt know.


Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
Its the court of protection stamp date as this is the date that the person entered the court of protection.



Registered User
Jun 6, 2020
I have just checked the dates on MIL & FIL's Court Orders.

The typed date was December 17th and the stamped date was January 23rd.

When we had to do the yearly accounts they were dated December 17th to December 16th the following year.
You were correct about the November date. You will soon get your login for the system and the dates are already on the form that it brings up.


New member
Feb 8, 2024
I have just checked the dates on MIL & FIL's Court Orders.

The typed date was December 17th and the stamped date was January 23rd.

When we had to do the yearly accounts they were dated December 17th to December 16th the following year.
You were correct about the November date. You will soon get your login for the system and the dates are already on the form that it brings up.
Thank you, yes I'm trying to pull together paperwork to start logging for the yearly accounts and I was unsure as to what date to use as the start date, this is most helpful thank you! Also thanks for noting about getting a login for the system as I didn't know that would happen, so far I only have the COP order, nothing else from the OPG.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
so far I only have the COP order, nothing else from the OPG
You will probably get some paperwork and also a telephone call from someone in the Office of Public Guardians who will explain what happens and what you have to do. You can also ask questions. I found it very helpful