Deputyship COP 3 form - advice needed


Registered User
Mar 27, 2021
I am just going round in circles with the Deputyship application for my OH. So I have asked our GP to provide the mental incapacity confirmation needed on the form but she says she cannot help as she has not done an assessment on him and does not need to for medical reasons currently. I then asked social services but they said they would not do a mental assessment for Court of Protection unless they were applying to the court for deputyship themselves. They advised contacting a solicitor which I would rather not do if possible because of the expense. Please can anyone suggest the way forward on this? It's too late for POA.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Its becoming increasingly hard to get someone to fill in this form. I think quite a few people are now going for an independent SW.
You would have to pay for it, but then you would have had to do that whoever did it.