Deputyship Advice Please


New member
Jun 4, 2024
Hi, first timer here. Mum has dementia and full time live in carers who are amazing but it’s getting tricky with her finances. Social services are applying for deputyship as I was uncomfortable with responsibility. But the more i do the more I realise “stuff” is not being done and I feel I should reconsider! I have no experience of deputyship - any advice please?


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @CAshton and welcome to the forum. I don't have experience of Deputyship either but I know that there are members here who do and will hopefully be able to advise you on what's involved in the role. This is a friendly place, and people are happy to help others when they can, so hopefully someone will be along soon who can answer your queries. In the meantime perhaps this factsheet may be useful: