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New member
Nov 25, 2022
Hi guys, I recently lost my mum from early onset Alzheimer’s. In age terms she did quite well. Symptoms started in her mid-late 50’s and she survived to 76. In some ways good but not so in others. I remember mum on the lead up to the diagnosis, she suffered with extreme depression which really impacted on her work. I don’t know whether any body else is familiar with this and whether it could be a very early sign for dementia? Thanks

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @Sclancy Welcome.

It sounds as if caring for your mum who suffered dementia for around 20 years has had a big effect on you.

My husband suffered depression too, and was treated for depression for a year until he had a diagnosis. This is because the doctor needed to rule out any other possible condition before being certain demetia was the problem.

Suffering depression can have many causes which are not dementia related and they can only be sorted with medical help and support from a GP.

If you have any concerns about yourself, please see your doctor. Your life caring for your mother could have had a marked effect on your own health.


Registered User
Feb 9, 2023
Hi guys, I recently lost my mum from early onset Alzheimer’s. In age terms she did quite well. Symptoms started in her mid-late 50’s and she survived to 76. In some ways good but not so in others. I remember mum on the lead up to the diagnosis, she suffered with extreme depression which really impacted on her work. I don’t know whether any body else is familiar with this and whether it could be a very early sign for dementia? Thanks
Hi your mum survived a long time! That is amazing, my mum I think started showing symptoms roundabout 55 but very very mild, she is now 60 and starting to miss out words when speaking or loose her train of thought. She also struggles with wrighting and her handwriting is starting to look childlike. She also has very sparsely over the years delusions which she thinks people in the TV can see her. May I ask your mum's symptoms over the course of the years to see any similarity? Xx


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Hi your mum survived a long time! That is amazing, my mum I think started showing symptoms roundabout 55 but very very mild, she is now 60 and starting to miss out words when speaking or loose her train of thought. She also struggles with wrighting and her handwriting is starting to look childlike. She also has very sparsely over the years delusions which she thinks people in the TV can see her. May I ask your mum's symptoms over the course of the years to see any similarity? Xx

Just a note to let you know that this is a thread from November and the member who posted it hasn't been on the forum since December. I thought you might be wondering why you might not get a reply.
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