Dementia Together magazine - December 2023/January 2024


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Apr 29, 2014
Dementia Together magazine features the latest news, features, tips and advice for carers and people with dementia, book reviews, updates on dementia research and articles highlighting good practice in dementia care, plus readers' letters.


Here are a few of the articles from this issue:

Remaining positive with a rarer form of dementia
Anne Hoad and her husband Tony tell us how life has changed since she developed a rarer form of dementia called posterior cortical atrophy (PCA)

Why I left work to become a full-time carer for dad
Shahbaz Bashir in Peterborough wants to know he did everything that he could as a full-time carer for his father, who has Alzheimer’s disease

A valuable tool helping to personalise care for people living with dementia
What would you want people to know about you if you couldn’t tell them? We find out how the ‘This is me’ leaflet can help to personalise care for people affected by dementia

Telling MPs about the realities of life with dementia
Michelle Nelson-Greensmith was at our Labour conference stand this year to tell MPs about the realities of dementia

Dementia Together magazine readership survey 2023
Your thoughts on our first co-produced issue of Dementia together magazine. Included on the panel was our very own volunteer moderator @LynneMcV who helped to co-produce this very special issue!

You can read the rest of the articles or download a copy here.


To receive your copy of each new magazine in the post, please visit the website page here or call 0330 333 0804 (Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm).

Have your say

What did you think of this month's articles? Were there any that you particularly enjoyed, or that you learned something from? The magazine team would love to hear your thoughts - you can either comment on this thread, or email

Thanks everyone :)

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