dementia due to complex ptsd at age 34

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Registered User
Nov 25, 2022
Greetings everyone

I will try to share my story as best as I can. I am wondering is having dementia in 34 due to complex trauma and chronic anxiety even a worthy topic for discussion? Is it of interest for science or society? Is anyone even curious how this was made possible? Or is it, even if possible, such a rare and uncommon phenomenon that we shouldn’t really bother about it. I am here to find out. So far, I have found no-one who can identify completely with my experience even though trauma is known to create severe memory problems on its own. The thing that worries me the most is the fact that my decline is steady and ongoing as each day passes by. There are no oscillations and my emotional state doesn’t worsen or improve the decline. More words are getting forgotten and they fade away into the fog. This has been happening for 15 years as I am aware, but started probably in my earliest childhood when the trauma was happening. This year it accelerated massively. You can imagine my confusion and disbelief while experiencing this slow memory decline during the years, and the reason why I attributed it to spiritual otherworldly symptoms which at the time I believed were ‘’healing me’’ from my trauma. The slower and more silent my mind became the more I thought I was on the right path of healing even though the apprehension of dementia was always in the background of my mind. It is precisely because of this, this deep indignation that I wasn’t informed and aware of the possibility of such a dreaded disease occurring in such a young mind and body, that I want to share this story. I wish I was special in some other area of my life. This kind of uniqueness brings me no joy or satisfaction. All I have left is to tell you, that this is happening to me and that I believe it is possible. I want you to know that it is possible. I want one person if they ever find themselves in the midst of an anxiety that never ends, while they walk, work, run or sleep, to know that they are not having spiritual symptoms. It’s not a genetic predisposition because we don’t have it in the family, and it happened slowly over time, and I was aware of it all during those 15 years. When trauma woke up from its slumber. You might be wondering, ‘’ok bro, what the hell happened to you to create all of this’’? If I am allowed, I will share a link to my website for a detailed version of my life story for anyone who is interested. It has no other purpose than to shed light on the topic and I do not sell or promote anything. I hope no one is offended by my presence here, I like many others am feeling very alone in this new found situation so I came here because nobody even cares to listen to me.

Kind Regards



Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
What kind of dementia are you supposing it is? there are many.

Never heard of dementia caused by PTSD, especiallyso young. Do you mean dementia or memory loss- not quite the same thing

farmore to dementia than memory loss

Please share the link to your website- id be interested to read it


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
Complex and traumatic PTSD is just that - complex. It is very likely this accounts for your symptoms - dementia at 34 is virtually unheard of.

I do think you need to discuss how you are feeling with your GP or whoever diagnosed you with PTSD. I really hope you find some answers.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
I am so sorry to hear of your problems Phillip @cofiking1988 and it sounds like you have had very traumatic experiences.

PTSD can cause many problems - a constant state of anxiety, brain fog, memory problems, altered state of awareness etc etc.

I believe everything that you have mentioned, but I also believe that they are symptoms of PTSD, not dementia. Please put that thought out of your mind - if you had dementia it would have been found by the doctors testing you, but instead they have given you a diagnosis of PTSD, which is quite different. This diagnosis explains all your symptoms - there is no reason to look for anything else.


Registered User
Nov 25, 2022
What kind of dementia are you supposing it is? there are many.

Never heard of dementia caused by PTSD, especiallyso young. Do you mean dementia or memory loss- not quite the same thing

farmore to dementia than memory loss

Please share the link to your website- id be interested to read it
I believe I have frontotemporal symptoms of dementia where it is becoming increasingly difficult to communicate with people and find the right words. Many parts of my brain are getting slowly dulled down but verbal skills are most obvious.


Registered User
Nov 25, 2022
I am so sorry to hear of your problems Phillip @cofiking1988 and it sounds like you have had very traumatic experiences.

PTSD can cause many problems - a constant state of anxiety, brain fog, memory problems, altered state of awareness etc etc.

I believe everything that you have mentioned, but I also believe that they are symptoms of PTSD, not dementia. Please put that thought out of your mind - if you had dementia it would have been found by the doctors testing you, but instead they have given you a diagnosis of PTSD, which is quite different. This diagnosis explains all your symptoms - there is no reason to look for anything else.
I hope so but the insidious progression and worsening of symptoms that are occurring each day is what disturbs me the most. It is true that I lived in perpetual chronic anxiety that just wouldn't cease no matter what I did or where I was. It is a part of me the same as breathing or heartbeat a never-ending cycle of pain. The most annoying thing is I never can figured out what I'm afraid of because it occurred in my infancy. It is logical to assume that such a level of stress can erode brain cells and decrease intellectual capacity. Ptsd is linked to dementia but in older age it can happen. Having this so young is just so bizarre. I don't know if I can share my website here perhaps it will be of interest for people to understand more.


Registered User
Nov 25, 2022
Complex and traumatic PTSD is just that - complex. It is very likely this accounts for your symptoms - dementia at 34 is virtually unheard of.

I do think you need to discuss how you are feeling with your GP or whoever diagnosed you with PTSD. I really hope you find some answers.
I hope so too but I have already spent thousands of dollars on all sorts of tests and visited all sorts of doctors who just refuse to believe me. Also in my country we don't really have such good experts for diagnosis anyway. But if it is true and I know its unheard of because I explored far and wide on the internet and haven't found a case of dementia due to complex ptsd like this in my age. But if it is...and my worthless existence is coming to an end without contributing much to anything , I want to believe that my story will have some meaning. At least for science. I sent 20 emails to experts about my case, hopefully it means something. I was foolish not to at least try some heavy psychedelics to try to break the pattern of anxiety that is creating this.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2015
North West
Greetings everyone

I will try to share my story as best as I can. I am wondering is having dementia in 34 due to complex trauma and chronic anxiety even a worthy topic for discussion? Is it of interest for science or society? Is anyone even curious how this was made possible? Or is it, even if possible, such a rare and uncommon phenomenon that we shouldn’t really bother about it. I am here to find out. So far, I have found no-one who can identify completely with my experience even though trauma is known to create severe memory problems on its own. The thing that worries me the most is the fact that my decline is steady and ongoing as each day passes by. There are no oscillations and my emotional state doesn’t worsen or improve the decline. More words are getting forgotten and they fade away into the fog. This has been happening for 15 years as I am aware, but started probably in my earliest childhood when the trauma was happening. This year it accelerated massively. You can imagine my confusion and disbelief while experiencing this slow memory decline during the years, and the reason why I attributed it to spiritual otherworldly symptoms which at the time I believed were ‘’healing me’’ from my trauma. The slower and more silent my mind became the more I thought I was on the right path of healing even though the apprehension of dementia was always in the background of my mind. It is precisely because of this, this deep indignation that I wasn’t informed and aware of the possibility of such a dreaded disease occurring in such a young mind and body, that I want to share this story. I wish I was special in some other area of my life. This kind of uniqueness brings me no joy or satisfaction. All I have left is to tell you, that this is happening to me and that I believe it is possible. I want you to know that it is possible. I want one person if they ever find themselves in the midst of an anxiety that never ends, while they walk, work, run or sleep, to know that they are not having spiritual symptoms. It’s not a genetic predisposition because we don’t have it in the family, and it happened slowly over time, and I was aware of it all during those 15 years. When trauma woke up from its slumber. You might be wondering, ‘’ok bro, what the hell happened to you to create all of this’’? If I am allowed, I will share a link to my website for a detailed version of my life story for anyone who is interested. It has no other purpose than to shed light on the topic and I do not sell or promote anything. I hope no one is offended by my presence here, I like many others am feeling very alone in this new found situation so I came here because nobody even cares to listen to me.

Kind Regards

Well, when I was sixteen, I was cycling to meet my friend to go swimming and my bag with my towel and trunks in got caught in the front wheel of my bike. I went over the handlebars and bounced of the road with my head a few times before coming to a stop. Despite being very ill for a while and unable to walk for a while I can't say that traumatic experience has induced dementia. Ironically the friend I was going to go swimming with died in later life from brain cancer -sadly.

Not quite sure what the purpose of your post is?


Registered User
Nov 25, 2022
Well, when I was sixteen, I was cycling to meet my friend to go swimming and my bag with my towel and trunks in got caught in the front wheel of my bike. I went over the handlebars and bounced of the road with my head a few times before coming to a stop. Despite being very ill for a while and unable to walk for a while I can't say that traumatic experience has induced dementia. Ironically the friend I was going to go swimming with died in later life from brain cancer -sadly.

Not quite sure what the purpose of your post is?
its about complex trauma that went on for years. And chronic anxiety that gets trapped in the autonomic nervous system and gets repeated endlessly thus degenerating brain neurons even at my age. The purpose is spreading awareness of the possibility of getting severe cognitive problems because of untreated ptsd. The thing is while I was creating my website I truly thought there would be at least a few people that could relate to my experience, but in all my life I found no one still. You could argue that my extreme case shouldn't be regarded as important because its so rare. But it happened to me and perhaps my story could mean something in the future for someone or even in medical research.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2015
North West
its about complex trauma that went on for years. And chronic anxiety that gets trapped in the autonomic nervous system and gets repeated endlessly thus degenerating brain neurons even at my age. The purpose is spreading awareness of the possibility of getting severe cognitive problems because of untreated ptsd. The thing is while I was creating my website I truly thought there would be at least a few people that could relate to my experience, but in all my life I found no one still. You could argue that my extreme case shouldn't be regarded as important because its so rare. But it happened to me and perhaps my story could mean something in the future for someone or even in medical research.
Ok I am a bit confused. Trauma even complex is a singular event, it doesn't go on for years, however any sustained (secondary) injury might do.

Chronic anxiety is not a neurological disease per se, it is matter of our psychological being.

Degeneration is not of the neurons themselves but of the myelin that coats the strands as in MND, Alzheimer's and parkinsons disease.

Your story doesn't make sense and I am concerned for your own welfare and wellbeing -do you need to get help to support you or do you need to call a local crisis line? I am concerned by your answers and the fact you mention PTSD


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Your written replies certainly seem very eloquent, given that you describe part of your condition as ''diminishing words'', and lot of apparent insight- Not typical of dementia. doesnt lead to a website


Registered User
Nov 25, 2022
Send alink in a message then, just click on my name and it will give you that option
Yes it does, I just clicked on the same link you typed. Perhaps you didn't click on the notebook in the middle of my first page. or maybe you need to type https as well. The words I'm using to type here are a fraction of what I used to know, I was 10 times more eloquent before. And also I am using dictionaries to write these responses.


Registered User
Nov 25, 2022
Ok I am a bit confused. Trauma even complex is a singular event, it doesn't go on for years, however any sustained (secondary) injury might do.

Chronic anxiety is not a neurological disease per se, it is matter of our psychological being.

Degeneration is not of the neurons themselves but of the myelin that coats the strands as in MND, Alzheimer's and parkinsons disease.

Your story doesn't make sense and I am concerned for your own welfare and wellbeing -do you need to get help to support you or do you need to call a local crisis line? I am concerned by your answers and the fact you mention PTSD
It does make sense for certain people that wrote articles about the connection between anxiety ,ptsd and dementia. There are quite a few out there that clearly state that such conditions contribute to real brain damage especially if they occur during child development. I find it odd you have trouble believing how decades of chronic anxiety cant create severe debilitating diseases. My case is just one of the many consequences that can happen to people living with severe trauma. I think you might want to read a bit more about complex trauma if you are curious about the subject. Its definitely not a singular event. Its something that is repeated. Please forgive me if I don't entertain your questions enough, it takes me great effort to reply to everything you ask.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2015
North West

Its an incredibly long piece of wriritng with some very meanigful logic intact, but drawn out to the point of wanting to fall asleep. Fab web page design -content very lacking, lost my attention in say one paragraph, scrolled down and still couldn't see the point BUT that doesn't mean this guy does not have a real problem, not sure who can help this guy on this forum if he does????


Registered User
Nov 25, 2022
Ok I am a bit confused. Trauma even complex is a singular event, it doesn't go on for years, however any sustained (secondary) injury might do.

Chronic anxiety is not a neurological disease per se, it is matter of our psychological being.

Degeneration is not of the neurons themselves but of the myelin that coats the strands as in MND, Alzheimer's and parkinsons disease.

Your story doesn't make sense and I am concerned for your own welfare and wellbeing -do you need to get help to support you or do you need to call a local crisis line? I am concerned by your answers and the fact you mention PTSD
Thank you for your honest criticism. I also feel it can be boring for most people but I didn't write it to promote myself or to make it entertaining. Its not for the general public but perhaps for experts that do research on trauma, and a very rare group of individuals that suffer from something similar. But maybe I should make some changes I don't know. Its my first try at a website. I feel better just being here having the opportunity to share my story. Some forums banned me for even doing that because they didn't believe me.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2015
North West
Thank you for your honest criticism. I also feel it can be boring for most people but I didn't write it to promote myself or to make it entertaining. Its not for the general public but perhaps for experts that do research on trauma, and a very rare group of individuals that suffer from something similar. But maybe I should make some changes I don't know. Its my first try at a website. I feel better just being here having the opportunity to share my story. Some forums banned me for even doing that because they didn't believe me.
Its very difficult to seperate what you are trying to say about your condition in what you have written. Its not boring but you can make it easir for people to understand by trying to narrow down the volume and be more concise, probably best to get someone to help you edit your website.

There are many rare conditions that few people have heard of and it is also not unreasonable to expect some kind of dismissal, just because thats the way people generally are unless they are familiar with something.

Maybe you can help us understand just exactly in a very simplistic way what your current problems are and why you posted on this forum, what do you think a dementia forum can do to help you?


Registered User
Nov 25, 2022
Its very difficult to seperate what you are trying to say about your condition in what you have written. Its not boring but you can make it easir for people to understand by trying to narrow down the volume and be more concise, probably best to get someone to help you edit your website.

There are many rare conditions that few people have heard of and it is also not unreasonable to expect some kind of dismissal, just because thats the way people generally are unless they are familiar with something.

Maybe you can help us understand just exactly in a very simplistic way what your current problems are and why you posted on this forum, what do you think a dementia forum can do to help you?
my current problems? as I said my cognitive abilities are laughable compared to what they used to be. If learning, I need to read something many times to understand its meaning. As i said i use dictionaries constantly to write, and my communication skills are so bad as the days go by. I used to be so much more talkative, eloquent, interesting and enjoyable to be around. I'm now a boring shell of what I used to be. I lost all my friends because of this and have just one dear friend who understand the situation. I am so dull to be around because I cant express myself anymore. I just sit there like a mute puppet. I can't articulate it. Losing my memories, my mental capabilities is a surreal experience. I don't know what the point is either , I don't know what kind of life awaits me or if its worth living. I can't work anymore can't have a woman or family. Coming here was probably just me saying hi. Its me saying I don't want this. You reminding me that my life story might have no point is pretty disheartening to me. Because sometimes I don't see the point in my website either.. and then I feel horrible.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2015
North West
my current problems? as I said my cognitive abilities are laughable compared to what they used to be. If learning, I need to read something many times to understand its meaning. As i said i use dictionaries constantly to write, and my communication skills are so bad as the days go by. I used to be so much more talkative, eloquent, interesting and enjoyable to be around. I'm now a boring shell of what I used to be. I lost all my friends because of this and have just one dear friend who understand the situation. I am so dull to be around because I cant express myself anymore. I just sit there like a mute puppet. I can't articulate it. Losing my memories, my mental capabilities is a surreal experience. I don't know what the point is either , I don't know what kind of life awaits me or if its worth living. I can't work anymore can't have a woman or family. Coming here was probably just me saying hi. Its me saying I don't want this. You reminding me that my life story might have no point is pretty disheartening to me. Because sometimes I don't see the point in my website either.. and then I feel horrible.
There is always a point, you just have to make that point sing out. Anyway you aren't mute and you express yourself really well, perhaps for too long.

I wish you well in your journey and on that note I have to go, a bad day for me too.
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