Dementia Clock


Registered User
Dec 17, 2021
I investigated dementia clocks but ended up buying the Alzheimer's Society memory calendar as a low tech solution. It stands in a prominent place as a reminder of what the day and date are. I remind mum to flip the page over each morning in my early morning call to her. So far so good.


Registered User
Sep 6, 2020
My late mother had one- I thought it costa lot for what it was.

Not sure if it worked for her, I dont think it did, but it certainly didnt do much for me. She used to look at it, but the fact that it said 1pm, didnt promt her to think ''Oh its lunchtime, i need some lunch''
I believe they help in the early stages of dementia but in our case I bought one too late for my wife as it is just a case of reading numbers which she cannot relate to a time, also i agree it does not prompt her to eat or go to bed etc, so it can be an expensive mistake but that applies to a number of things we all try to help our loved ones.


Registered User
Sep 13, 2020
I was provided with a time/day/date clock by my OT. It’s a godsend. I generally don’t get too confused over days - but if zi have a snooze during the day, then I do. If I go away, I make sure to take it with me.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
I was provided with a time/day/date clock by my OT. It’s a godsend. I generally don’t get too confused over days - but if zi have a snooze during the day, then I do. If I go away, I make sure to take it with me.
ot gave us one too. i use it all the time but my husband, PWD, forgets it there and asks me. i can set times for meals etc reminders if im not here but he calls it another nagging woman. glad you find it useful


Registered User
Jul 7, 2021
I need to get a dementia clock for my Mother who is in the early stages of dementia.

They seem quite expensive. Has anyone managed to get one cheaper than £40?

Have these clocks made a big difference to anyone you know with Alzhiemer’s? I wonder if my Mother will forget to look at it?


Dementia Clock​

Becomes essential at some stage in course the Dementia, in particular if you can not be present.
I live in Switzerland and can only call my sister at least, but I have caring friends and carers who make sure her paper agenda is filled out with the daily events. At least I can call up and ask her what day it is, look at the big white clock on the mantelpiece, and then get her to turn the page of her diary. Currently, with help, she can still correlate this.
I bought her the Robin, 2020 Version, Digital Day Clock on Amazon 2 years ago, and it is still in use. There are now newer, improved versions, but I agree the price is astronomical. But what are you going to do without it. For 2 years now at least, it has been useful.
What is important to note is that it switches over automatically to the correct Daylight Savings time in Autumn and back again in the Spring. The numbers and letters are large enough to be read easily. I found out recently when I visited her that my sister coped better with the a.m. / p.m 12 hr clock than the 24 hr display.

Of course, the PWD person does forget to look at it, but you can remind them. My sister still twiddles her roll date calendar around each day, usually several times :rolleyes: and you just have to constantly remind her that only the big white clock is correct.
Newer versions probably have a battery backup in case of a power cut, I'm not sure ours does. We had a power cut of 2 mins whilst I was there in June, but this is very unusual. But it restarted again and was 2 mins slow, of course and easy for me to adjust. Not for her, which is fortunate!

In my opinion, unless you are visiting daily, then it can be a great help. My advice would be to get her trained to using it now, later she will still try and use the clocks and calendars she has used her whole life.

Scarlet Lady

Registered User
Apr 6, 2021
We had quite a good one for my late aunt, although it was replaced after it broke. Bought it on Amazon, a big faced thing which showed the day, date, time (morning and afternoon). I think it was about £35. Didn't automatically reset for things like daylight saving and it was a bit of a hassle trying to get the right language to display.
But once that was done, it was a big help. Unfortunately, there came a time when my aunt could recite its details perfectly but she hadn’t a clue what they meant. I think there will come a time when most devices become useless.

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