Dementia and dogs


New member
Jun 25, 2024
Hello all

My mum has dementia and was wondering if anyone has had a someone close with the same but has a dog? She has 2 small Chihuahua so quite easy to manage they been having the odd accident where she getting worse and forgetting to put them out for a toilet that’s all really, she adores them and personally I think they are good for her especially as she lives alone they give her company and are calming for her anxieties.
I have 2 sisters and a brother that have never had pets so don’t really get they become part of the family,we are all looking after her and doing what we can but they all think the dogs should be re homed, I 💯 don’t as it will be heartbreaking for her they have been with our mum for years,my dad passed a couple of years ago and I don’t no how she would of been without them they have been a god send especially talking about how dad loved them it’s a a good distraction for her and bring back lots of nice memories.I have no problem going in every morning and after work to make sure they’re fed properly and check there’s no mess as long as I need to as we are doing that most days anyway between us. Also thought about getting a dog walker for the afternoons. I’m not sure what stage-number she is but can’t tell the time or cook anymore we have to be there to get her to have a bath,wakes up through the night gets very anxious and confused on and off and obsessive with things especially calling me over and over day and night or at least someone but generally fit and able.
I can see she’s getting worse and we have asked for some help now my sister is dealing with that side of things.

If there’s any groups out there like coffee morning afternoons anyone would no of would be good to get her out as she gets so lonely in the day we all work it’s very hard.
Basically any advise would be much appreciated as it’s hard to no what’s coming next or where to get information. To be honest I’ve only just started to read up properly now it’s starting to sink in and very sad.

Many thanks


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Hi and welcome to the forum.

I've no personal experience of someone with dementia having a dog but I've hear about the Cinnamon Trust and wondered they would be of any help -

There's also this which might be of some interest -

Caring For A dog

This link mentions the above Trust and also something called PAPAS but the link to that doesn't seem to work. I found this and there's a telephone number for them in it.



Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Hi @MAC123 and a warm welcome to Dementia Support Forum.
I haven't got any advice on dogs but if you are looking for things for your mum to do this link might be helpful. You could also look on your local council website or Facebook pages of what is on in your area. Church notice boards are also a good source of info too.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
I can only say that as a former carer since wife and mum passed away that rattling round an empty house, alone isn't a lot of fun.
I thought about getting a dog for company, but decided against, the main reason being that when I'm away on my boat for a few days, dogs and boats don't mix too well sometimes.
I'm not afraid to say I find it quite a lonely life, take her dogs away and she might too especially if they're her long term companions.

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