Dementia and divorce


New member
Nov 2, 2021
My wife was diagnosed with vascular dementia in 2018. After a downturn in her condition she was then diagnosed with moderate to severe Alzheimer's in 2023.
After my wife's family refused to care for her whilst our carer was booked to go away on holiday early 2023, we went away with our carer which was lovely.
On our return, my wife went to visit her family after our ten day break, and I returned to work. A few days later, allegations were made against me of physical, financial and verbal abuse. My wife didn't have the capacity to make those allegations.
The last time I saw my wife in person was 05MAR2023, and the last phone call was 26MAR2023, and not one of my wife's family have communicated with me since. I have no contact whatsoever with my wife. She has lived with her mother since said allegations were made.
All allegations have been closed "no further action", but my fight goes on through the court of protection and solicitors, to get contact to see my wife. The "family" constantly stall proceedings, we should of been in court five times now, and still not got there.
I'm at the end of my journey, I'd suggest as my wife is now being placed into respite care by the "family" and her social worker, from recently received documents.

This concerns me as we have our marital home that I still reside in. Can this home be deemed as an asset to fund the payment of fees for said care, or would this be the the responsibility of the local authority who have a duty of care for my wife? The word "estranged" has been used by the local authority social worker in certain documents when describing myself, does this have any bearing on whether the house is then an asset or not? Can my wife divorce me, considering that she doesn't have the capacity to instigate divorce proceedings? Can someone else do this for her?

I'd like to still reside in our marital home, but am concerned as to what the future holds.

Thank you


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Hello @Snozzal , this sounds like a very difficult time for you. It might be an idea to contact the help line so that you can talk this through in person .