

Registered User
Feb 11, 2023
husband now thinks he works but does not know where or what he does often insists on leaving house so i make a suggestion lets walk the dog and he forgets all the issues after we arrive home but now with the snow and his balance not so good added with me coming down with nasty virus there may come a time when i can not stop him and police are involved get again getting tired of happening soooo many times now


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @paper7 I am sorry to read about your husband's delusion that he still works and that as a result he leaves the house. It is good that sometimes you can distract him with the dog walking. You could also try telling him that the place where he 'works' is closed for a holiday.
Hopefully other people with experience of this issue will come along with advice.


Registered User
Dec 23, 2022
Hi-exactly the same thing happens to my husband. He thinks our house is a 'department' and asks 'where have all the others gone?' on a regular basis. This is another example of how we carers are left to our own devices and muddle along without training or supervision doing a responsible job. I probably get it wrong-I ask him questions-who and where-and sometimes he realises he is not in a workplace and is ok. Sometimes he puts his coat on to 'go home' and I ask where and he gives the address we are at and realises he is at home. Also doesn't know what day it is and today he has forgotten my name. It's annoying and upsetting isn't it?