Dear Diary!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Mum usually like clockwork re. personal visits but no joy since 5pm, bloomin' record breaking! I mean she's every hour on the hour routine-wise so obvs you start thinking what reasons there could be for a 'no show'... not in any observable discomfort, still taking diet and fluids on board (normally mum would stop/refuse if needing to go). Mobilising okay, happy in self and sharp as a pin too; hmm - rare to have days like this but not unheard of (summertime mostly), has been a lot milder so perhaps perspiring more than in recent months. Will just have to go with the flow so to speak ;) roll on nighttime eh?


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Hope the flow is back to normal! We sometimes got these episodes….always got me worried but a few hours later it would all come ……


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Hope the flow is back to normal! We sometimes got these episodes….always got me worried but a few hours later it would all come ……
Yes the normal flow of things resumed ;) was busier than usual night but expected and tbh it was a relief, gallstones always spring to mind but no evidence to suggest this was behind our 'blip'. I reckon sometimes we can overthink stuff though and must be ultra careful we don't project our anxieties onto loved ones which can only make it worse! I think mum has just conditioned me too well @sdmhred, you just get used to a thing being a thing haha ;)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Well after a break of perhaps 4 days or so administered PRN codeine at mum's request... no teeth grinding so far peeps ;) She doesn't like it and I don't like it either but mum must have reached her absolute tolerance level... not rubbing her knees which is a big plus too, however spaghetti legs apparent and a bit woolly headed. Anyways besides all my running commentary on the matter (haha) we've had a very pleasant day indeed :) Talkative, sharp and totally in the groove this Tuesday my mum!!


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Well after a break of perhaps 4 days or so administered PRN codeine at mum's request... no teeth grinding so far peeps ;) She doesn't like it and I don't like it either but mum must have reached her absolute tolerance level... not rubbing her knees which is a big plus too, however spaghetti legs apparent and a bit woolly headed. Anyways besides all my running commentary on the matter (haha) we've had a very pleasant day indeed :) Talkative, sharp and totally in the groove this Tuesday my mum!!
would it be better having a small dose regularly rather than one which is going to floor your mum when absolutely paracetamol 4 x a day is more effective than taking it when feel pain.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
would it be better having a small dose regularly rather than one which is going to floor your mum when absolutely paracetamol 4 x a day is more effective than taking it when feel pain.
Thanks @jennifer1967 :)

The tablet makes her feel sickly, she loses cognizance and her coordination goes to pot unfortunately :( Also plays havoc with her nighttime continence needs, ooh the list is endless! ;) Having it several days on the trot also makes her lower legs and ankles present with almost cellulitis-like skin (very shiny/flaky). When she stops taking it all the aforementioned stop, it's a tiny dose though at 15mg and as a PRN can take it up to QDS. I would never stop mum from opting for it as she actively declines or accepts when offered; mum does have Ibuprofen 400mg QDS as well as a range of other nonprescription items/interventions... These have worked well but her most recent flare-up has attacked multiple areas this time round. Right head scratcher 🤔


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Well the occasional teeth grinding moment from mum but not anywhere near as bad previously, still offered her the PRN Codeine though (just) which she declined; had it Tuesday as you all know but on Wednesday there was no need/or request from her. Always led by mum on these things anyways, hmm seems to be my main topic of conversation at the moment! Apologies :)

I must say mum is dead shot sharp again today, all smiles, read the odd word or two and 'chat' is deffo in the realm of taking the absolute Michael ;)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Stargate Atlantis final episode! Starting from scratch all over again tomorrow though sigh, oh the joy haha 😂 Mum really enjoying it however and so focused, is expecting the usual running commentary 🤪 hmm the sacrifices one makes but what the hell mum's happy & that's all that matters ❤


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Stargate Atlantis final episode! Starting from scratch all over again tomorrow though sigh, oh the joy haha 😂 Mum really enjoying it however and so focused, is expecting the usual running commentary 🤪 hmm the sacrifices one makes but what the hell mum's happy & that's all that matters ❤
Not normally a Pauline genre but given I have Prime I might give it a go as it would be new for me also, thank you


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Not normally a Pauline genre but given I have Prime I might give it a go as it would be new for me also, thank you
There were five seasons - much improved by the latter half of number 2, I think we'd be on our twentieth cycle if we started again tomorrow but well worth a watch for a newcomer :)

Mum's likes and dislikes have changed dramatically which surprised me initially... all my type of stuff (thought this was a total bonus) but watched to death now unfortunately!!


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
There were five seasons - much improved by the latter half of number 2, I think we'd be on our twentieth cycle if we started again tomorrow but well worth a watch for a newcomer :)

Mum's likes and dislikes have changed dramatically which surprised me initially... all my type of stuff (thought this was a total bonus) but watched to death now unfortunately!!
Turns out I have to buy or rent as not included in Prime 😞


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Hi @Agzy :)

SkyMix HD Channel 151 @4pm. I only pay for pause/record option not the channels themselves, this is a freebie one if you have the facility. Yep we have Prime too but just for mum's deliveries, I don't bother with the TV/Film stuff as there are lots of 'hidden' costs... Amazon total rip!


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Hi @Agzy :)

SkyMix HD Channel 151 @4pm. I only pay for pause/record option not the channels themselves, this is a freebie one if you have the facility. Yep we have Prime too but just for mum's deliveries, I don't bother with the TV/Film stuff as there are lots of 'hidden' costs... Amazon total rip!
Ah, don’t have Sky, just Virgin Media plus Amazon and Netflix. They are great for finding stuff for her to watch but I rarely get time to watch stuff for myself and of course they can’t be recorded and Pauline just can’t deal with two remote controls and struggles witht he Virgin handset 😞.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Ah, don’t have Sky, just Virgin Media plus Amazon and Netflix. They are great for finding stuff for her to watch but I rarely get time to watch stuff for myself and of course they can’t be recorded and Pauline just can’t deal with two remote controls and struggles witht he Virgin handset 😞.
Ditto @Agzy as mum has final choice/say on programmes too! We downgraded for just a tenner to use pause/record facility on Sky which left us with more than enough channels anyways ;) Have Prime as aforementioned but impossible to accommodate that too including all the 'hidden costs'; most notably don't have household internet either only mobile...

Understand the handset thingy, must be really frustrating :( Cognizance aside mum's RA has also impacted the functionality of her hands which can be very upsetting especially as she was a great one for channel hopping! The smallest of tasks (to us) can often become large obstacles, consequently I just follow instructions... no change there then haha, I don't even get a tip 😅


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Out yesterday as I had promised mum that regardless of weather we would trundle forth by the end of the week tops, by'eck though it was cold 🥶 She desperately needed/wanted to get out as we've been so limited during these difficult winter months, hoping warmer weather soon ensues. It's an important step as mum's interest in other household-based activities drops off if she's not out and about, so fingers crossed we can pick up where we left off.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Well mum's just zedded off so dinner on already in anticipation of her waking, also managed to tidy some o/s bits out of the way and get ahead of other stuff too ;) Hmm, got about half an hour to myself but am at a loss what to do haha 😄 weird eh? Consequently checking out forum, we just can’t keep away from this brain fog thingy!!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Why oh why can't people accept what you say at face value? Attempting to arrange a visit for mum, was given a 'list' of several dates and times... again ( multiple occasions now) I elaborated on her routine and how busy our daytime schedule was (meals, personal visits, nap times etc.) to which received reply stating - but you said? Now I don't keep track of previous correspondence (to check back) just frequent updates to the person(s) concerned re. mum's current status, things evolve depending on her needs at the time. As I have stated myself many times before on this forum it's for persons to fit in around mum's schedule not the other way around; we're always busy but evenings and weekends are much more flexible. Am I being awkward? I know what we can accommodate to maximise visit and the quality of same to be enjoyed by mum and anyone deciding to pop in. Okay haha, vent completed - probably a storm in a teacup sort of episode!! I am and will always remain transparent regarding information passed onto others, no agenda on my part as far too busy to be such a complicated fellow ;)
Last edited:


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Why oh why can't people accept what you say at face value? Attempting to arrange a visit for mum, was given a 'list' of several dates and times... again I elaborated on her routine and how busy our daytime schedule was (meals, personal visits, nap times etc.) to which received reply stating - but you said? Now I don't keep track of previous correspondence (to check back) just update the person concerned re. mum's current status, things evolve depending on her needs at the time. As I have stated myself many times before on this forum it's for persons to fit in around mum's schedule not the other way around; we're always busy but evenings and weekends are much more flexible. Am I being awkward? I just know what we can accommodate to maximise visit and the quality of same to be enjoyed by mum and anyone deciding to visit. Okay haha, vent completed - probably a storm in a teacup sort of episode!! I am and will always remain transparent regarding information passed onto others, no agenda on my part as far too busy to be so complicated ;)
i dont think awkward but looks like you are putting a barrier up to visitors. as long as they know that she will need toileting or food etc, then they can adjust themselves. sorry, i think thats what i would have the impression of if i was a visitor.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
i dont think awkward but looks like you are putting a barrier up to visitors. as long as they know that she will need toileting or food etc, then they can adjust themselves. sorry, i think thats what i would have the impression of if i was a visitor.
Don't apologise @jennifer1967 :) Mum has personal visits on the hour during the day interspaced by mealtimes and naps, evenings are at a much more sedate pace with zedding time/main meals out of the way. When visits have occurred previously during this period there is little time for proper quality face-to-face unless you are supporting mum with aforementioned, as she expects these to be done in a certain way... does sound awkward eh? But mum is an absolute creature of habit and if you don't stick to it everything else has the potential to fall flat. Appreciate your candour though! If the visits were several times a week for more than just a flying in/out episode mum would be more accepting of another delivering on her needs. She is very OCD in these later stages ;) and expects a particular approach, even I run acropper on occasion if a small deviation occurs!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
A nice piece of cod with dressed cherry tomatoes for mum, not had the latter for ages but thought I'd chance it and step away from her usual fare. Disappearing quick smart! Also reintroduced apples (a kilo for only a £1 by the way), stayed away due to their firm texture & solid nature but mum handled it very well when cut down to size. Impressed the way she is handling these small changes to her diet lately, well done mum 💚

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