Dealing with diagnosis


New member
Sep 1, 2023
Hello I would appreciate advice on how best to explain to my 81yr old mum that she has dementia. She willingly went to memory clinic referral as she knows something is wrong with her memory. I just found out from Dr that she has mild/mod mixed dementia. Whilst expecting this I’m still a bit in shock. I’m away with my son returning to uk tonight and will see mum tomorrow to break the news. She has been prescribed aricept. She is a gentle kind soul so I think will cope but she (like me) will probably react to the term ‘dementia’ and its negative connotations. welcome any/all advice. Thank you.


Registered User
Dec 7, 2018
I would n’t tell her the diagnosis dementia as it frightens most people. I would just say she has been prescribed medication to help with her memory and see if the medication helps. She probably still has enough capacity so things like LPA’s need to be sorted and put in place. Care needs assessment can be done via SS so she can continue to live at home as long as possible


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Mum never accepted that she had dementia and would get angry if anyone suggested it so I just used to refer to her "memory problems"

You could try telling your mum just the once and see what her reaction is