day time help query


Registered User
Jun 25, 2013
tyne and wear
I am not sure where to post this question but hope that someone has some expereince or advice. My mum's dementia is beginning to deteriorate but her general health which is poor has improved to the stage that she is beginning to get more restless. This is a new development for us and I am concerned on two levels. First that she now whats to start wandering and has been trying to get up and walk on her own, which she is not really fit to do - this is putting alot of stress on my elderly dad who feels he needs to be oncall so to speak 24/7. Also I don;t think she is getting the right level of stimulation as she is getting very fidgety and when she gets bored she gets argumentative. She doesn't focus for long on things and seems to prefer to watch TV rather than anythign else -althoguh I had some success with putting together photo albums and putting on music she is now bored with this - I am out of ideas but know she loves still to chat and will happily talk for ages to people so am trying to get her out of the house or to arrange social meetings in her house -but her mobility is low and of course its not everyone who wants to listen to the same story multiple times and in such a confused state. I've had a look at the alzhe soc online for the area but don't think there is much - any ideas anyone has would be much appreciated


Registered User
Mar 24, 2012
Hi Andrea. Talk to your moms social worker. They will know about day care places for your mom in your area. The day centre will normally be able to provide transport too - ring and ride and such like. And in brum we have something called "community links" not sure if that's just in this area or a nationwide thing but google it and you will see. Lists of groups, meetings etc in local area for all folk not just dementia patients. Sorry cant type more am on ipad and not as quick! Hope that helps. Good luck!


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
I think you should ring the local branch of the Alzheimer's Society. Although the branch may seem some distance away they normally cover a large area. We went to their 'cafes' which are usually coffee mornings, pub lunches or general meetings. Some have 'befrienders' who regularly visit to take the sufferer on an outing or just to chat. (My SIL does it - taking his fellow for a coffee and usually a long walk and they enjoy the chats together).

You can find your local branch here

You should also get a Needs Assessment from a Social Worker - you are both entitled to one, you as carer and for your Mother as sufferer. You should emphasise the need for a social life and hopefully there is some good day care available, but I am not sure of the cost of this.

I also wonder if the local Church have any social groups that could include your Mother.

You could also try Age UK, Crossroads and Admiral Nurses, depending on whether they operate in your area.

Hope that helps. Best wishes

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