Dad with early altzeimers and executor


New member
Dec 29, 2023
Hi my mum passed away a month ago. My dad has early stage Alzheimer’s - I was wondering if anyone else has advice on how to renounce him as executor (in which case my brothers and me would take over as per the will) - my mum bequeathed all to my dad but we do need probate - form PA15 is the general form for this and he would understand when signing what it was for but probably not remember he had done it. Or there’s PA14 - medical renunciation due to incapacitation. This seems more involved as doctors need to fill out etc. has anyone any experience in this area?


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Hello @tess66 , firstly my condolences on the loss of your mum, it’s hard enough without all the added complications of dealing with an estate.
Do you need to renounce your dad as executor? A diagnosis of dementia does not mean a lack of mental capacity , is there a chance he could still with your support carry out this role? My mum, with early dementia was able to do this when my dad passed away.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
form PA15 is the general form for this and he would understand when signing what it was for but probably not remember he had done it
If he understands it in the moment and is happy to sign it, then he has capacity to make that decision and that is OK


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
This is probably the wrong advice….but we were in the same situation…..mum couldn’t have done the legwork but she still understood what she was signing. Therefore my brother did the leg work and she signed. He was also as an executor next in line ….


New member
Dec 29, 2023
Ok thanks - maybe I’m over complicating this then… It would be so much easier to go your route tbh