Dad becoming scared of being alone.


Registered User
Feb 17, 2012
I've been noticing some changes in dad over the last few weeks. His decline into AD has been quite rapid- going from 17 to 12 on his mmse in 14 months, but now he seems to be slipping further.
I guess it started with the slip in his personal hygiene a few months ago. He began having more and more trouble with his shower routine. Now he cannot shave himself without cutting his face all over. He worries about it a lot, even asks me to do it. But even if I knew how, I fear I would cut him- I've always had shaky hands for a start!
He has become scared of the cats. We have two. He is still affectionate with them, but hates them climbing on him, woe betide they get near his face. He is convinced that they scratch and bite him, particularly the younger of the two, who's character he constantly 'puts down'. He has even suggested we get rid of them!
Then last week, for the first time, he started asking where his parents were. He wandered off after day care on Tuesday, was gone for more than an hour (frantic searching on my part brought nothing). When he did reappear he told me he had gone home, found his mum who was with two young men, and they wouldn't let him in!
Thursday I returned home from work to find the house full of gas. There was a ring on in the kitchen and dad was oblivious to it. This is the second time this has happened. After the first I had an isolation switch fitted. It has made no difference. I suspect dad has broken the lock on it- it no longer works, and he seems to just switch it back on when I leave. The thermos of tea I leave out, and the fact I hide the kettle makes no difference.
The last couple of days he has been asking where he can go to live. He tells me he told the people he was with (his day care perhaps?) that he was happy to stay there and they 'got nasty' with him.
I fear it is rapidly getting to the point where he can't be left alone, but I cannot give him the level of care he requires. Even were I to give up my job (which I am very reluctant to do for the sake of my own health and sanity) it would not be long before I couldn't cope.
But I have no idea what to do next. Without a social worker, and being just above the threshold of £23,000 I have no idea whether the decision is even mine.
I have to go to work now. Just hope there's no problems today.


Registered User
Apr 16, 2012

Poor you, it must be very hard to cope all on your own. It does look as though your Dad is starting to need extra help while you're at work but I agree with you that you shouldn't think about giving up your job - if you do that you'll just get ground down by AD.

It's hard to know what to suggest, but you could try ringing your local Alzheimer's Society - ours were brilliant, but others haven't had such a good experience. It might also be worth contacting your Dad's GP to see if they can help. Is there a Carer's Network where you live? They can often offer excellent help and support.

I'm sure somebody'll be along in a minute with much better advice than I can give. Good luck with sorting it all out. Hug:)


Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello JMU

It does sound as if your father isn`t safe alone and you will not be expected to give up your job to meet his needs.

I got advice for my mother from SS and she was over the Threshold . I`m not sure if things have changed with all the cuts but you could ring and ask.

You could also phone the AS Helpline. 0300 222 1122

Similarly you could consult AgeUK.

Age UK Advice: 0800 169 6565


Registered User
Aug 15, 2012
north east lincolnshire
my wife can't be left alone because she is terrified,i can't go work because she cries at the thought of me leaving her and is scared of flies and spiders,she is now on mirtazapine(15 mg)to calm her down,they have helped but the cracks still show,so i'm living on benefits because i've got no chance of getting work in the near future,but things will change at some point,i know they will,so i'm renewing my taxi badge tomorrow,£76 i haven't got but if i don't renew it i will lose it,i guess my point is,at the end of the journey with alzheimers i can get back in a taxi and start working,think very carefully about leaving work you might not get your job back and with alzheimers it could be months or years it lasts for,nobody knows.


Registered User
Jun 13, 2013
Hello JMU I know how you feel it can be quite frightening when the decline is so rapid. Lucky I've not had any problems with the gas. My husband won't let me go anywhere, if I go to the toilet or into the garden he panics even late night I tried to put him to bed so I could have a little time to myself but he was shouting for me then came down stairs in a right panic because he thought I had gone.
I have had to give up work now, my daughter was his carer for 12 mths but has now had a baby. I'm am keeping my options open as luckily I'm allowed to take a career break for 2 years if things change for the worse I can at least return to work, but it give me a breathing space. I really miss work.
Only last week I did my first post about shaving(see how to shave hubby) and the people who replied are all in the same boat. I cut my hubby quite bad and it frightened the life out of me, so I brought an electric shaver which does help sometimes.
Keep you chin up JMU. Thinking of you.


Registered User
Jun 13, 2013
JMU. Just a quick note to see how your getting on. I hope things have been easier for you (doubt it though). My hubby has been calmer this week think it helps with the lovely weather as we have been in the garden a lot. He loved his garden.

Thinking of you :)

Lovlee x