Covid rules for admissions to care homes or for respite


Registered User
Mar 21, 2020
I’d like to find out exactly what the rules are re. admission to care homes , in my case specifically for respite care. I live in Scotland and wondered where I can actually access the government guidelines. I don’t want to organise respite for my partner if it means he has to do 14 days isolation as this would be totally counterproductive. I am becoming increasingly worn down by his deteriorating condition and feel that he will be heading for 24 hour care relatively soon. I am about to ask his social worker to start the process with a long term assessment and a financial assessment but I had very much hoped that respite could be arranged first to allow me to regroup and perhaps keep him at home longer. There must be so many people in this Catch 22 situation.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Why not phone up the care home you are thinking about and ask them?
The government has issued guidelines, but as far as I can see, care homes are all interpreting these guidelines in their own way


Registered User
Mar 21, 2020
Thanks. I found the guidelines after I posted. It appears that in Level 0 there is no absolute need for 14 day isolation if testing and a risk assessment is done but I suspect that care homes will be very wary as society opens up. I simply wanted the information to hand for my discussions with social work.