Coronavirus does not scare me!


Registered User
May 30, 2017
Italy, Milan and Acqui Terme
@margherita your command of English puts many of us to shame!

I see Italy reported another increase in deaths on Sunday. Are they mainly in the north or is it the South catching up?
The virus is slowly but steadily spreading to the southern regions. It seems it will reach its peak early in April.
Who knows? Most predictions have proved wrong and what we couldn't have thought of is happening.
All we can do is staying at home, in the attempt to avoid getting infected.
The chances OH or I catch the virus are very low, but the chances we won't survive covid19 should we catch it are quite high.

In the meantime, our daily battles with dementia are going on, aren't they?
This morning OH insisted on going out . The huge garden we have is not enough for him, nor is the lonely road among the vineyards along which we could go for a safe and healthy walk.
I tried to explain to him ( I know..." never argue, never explain") what the situation is like. OH seemed to have understood and I was proud of myself for my clear and effective explanation. Too bad his first comment on my words was " but we can go out because I can SEE where the virus is".


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
And while I personally am trying to remain calm in the face of everything that is going on, my husband is finding the whole thing quite daunting.

He is 80 years old, has massive heart problems and Alzheimer's but is still lucid. Everything on TV is about the virus and how it affects people with co morbities and he keeps on saying to me that if he gets it, then he is going to die.

This has all been reinforced by the suspension of his bridge game, his raison d'etre and the talk of isolation. He repeatedly asked me if we had enough food (TV reports) so today I filled the freezer with his vegetarian food just to reassure him.

The virus doesn't scare me personally. but we need to respect our community and support the common good.

White Rose

Registered User
Nov 4, 2018
Hi White Rose,
I think the Italian government undervalued the danger of this epidemic and erroneously thought it could be easily circumscribed. Besides they there were also economic reasons , because strict measures would mean blocking wide productive sectors and damaging our already rickety economy. And last but not least, they were afraid they might be considered undemocratic and too authoritarian.
That's my personal opinion. I wish I could be more exhaustive, but I find it difficult to discuss the subject in English.
What you've said makes perfect sense @margherita, thank you for explaining it. Let's hope this epidemic runs it's course soon, it's really quite frightening.


Registered User
May 27, 2016
I feel we should self isolate for the simple reason of lessening the burden on the already stretched NHS.
We had booked a respite week starting on Sunday to allow me to get to a medical appointment amongst other things.
I had to weigh up the pros and cons carefully.
We decided the Carehome was the best place, he is known as he has been before. The alternative was to cancel but the Care Company are stretched at the best of times. I am trying to extend the respite if possible. This is our place of choice near to home.
There has been a blip over funding but is where we would choose long term. Beds are getting short so fingers crossed.
In the main the virus is mild but there is no immunity, so the issue is about a steep rise that overwhelms the NHS. This is needed for other emergencies, so we need to do our bit.
I have arranged to speak on the phone to my husband, we spoke about this before he went in. Several times and ways.
I am near so I could get there quickly in a matter of life or death.
If he has to come home, I am prepared, but the motley of visiting Carers bring their own problems. They are short staffed so a few ill would be a disaster for many. We are considered Amber on the traffic light system. Red is for people on their own.
Two had infections that they passed off as their usual ones! I did say the cough could mask the viral symptoms!
So catch 22!
I say that fear is a greater virus, it lowers the immune system.
So respite is allowing me some catch up, I doubt whether the medical appointment will be on though.
As for journalists, they need to sell papers! We survived a war with a blitz of bombs as well as partings and empty shelves, tight rations and sleepless nights. We will survive this if we use common sense.
washing hands? I read the virus has a fatty coating so the 20 seconds is needed to break it down and destroy.


Registered User
Apr 8, 2018
I feel we should self isolate for the simple reason of lessening the burden on the already stretched NHS.
We had booked a respite week starting on Sunday to allow me to get to a medical appointment amongst other things.
I had to weigh up the pros and cons carefully.
We decided the Carehome was the best place, he is known as he has been before. The alternative was to cancel but the Care Company are stretched at the best of times. I am trying to extend the respite if possible. This is our place of choice near to home.
There has been a blip over funding but is where we would choose long term. Beds are getting short so fingers crossed.
In the main the virus is mild but there is no immunity, so the issue is about a steep rise that overwhelms the NHS. This is needed for other emergencies, so we need to do our bit.
I have arranged to speak on the phone to my husband, we spoke about this before he went in. Several times and ways.
I am near so I could get there quickly in a matter of life or death.
If he has to come home, I am prepared, but the motley of visiting Carers bring their own problems. They are short staffed so a few ill would be a disaster for many. We are considered Amber on the traffic light system. Red is for people on their own.
Two had infections that they passed off as their usual ones! I did say the cough could mask the viral symptoms!
So catch 22!
I say that fear is a greater virus, it lowers the immune system.
So respite is allowing me some catch up, I doubt whether the medical appointment will be on though.
As for journalists, they need to sell papers! We survived a war with a blitz of bombs as well as partings and empty shelves, tight rations and sleepless nights. We will survive this if we use common sense.
washing hands? I read the virus has a fatty coating so the 20 seconds is needed to break it down and destroy.
I read somewhere that Fairy Liquid is just as good as a sanitiser because it breaks down fat so is useful against the virus .
Must admit @AliceA that in the beginning I was fairly calm about the virus but now I’m beginning to be concerned as my oh at 82 has chronic asthma and chronic kidney disease plus other health issues and of course 4 years into mixed dementia . But as you say we survived a war and many other worries over the years ...we just need to let common sense prevail.
(((( hugs )))) A x


Registered User
May 27, 2016
I read somewhere that Fairy Liquid is just as good as a sanitiser because it breaks down fat so is useful against the virus .
Must admit @AliceA that in the beginning I was fairly calm about the virus but now I’m beginning to be concerned as my oh at 82 has chronic asthma and chronic kidney disease plus other health issues and of course 4 years into mixed dementia . But as you say we survived a war and many other worries over the years ...we just need to let common sense prevail.
(((( hugs )))) A x

We can but live each moment at a time. I kissed my husband goodbye the thought went through my mind, could this be the last. The important thing is the keep people up to date, keep telling them how much they are loved, smile. laugh and be happy. Just heard respite is still allowing visitors. With plenty of handwashing of course! Hope to visit tomorrow. X

White Rose

Registered User
Nov 4, 2018
I read the virus has a fatty coating so the 20 seconds is needed to break it down and destroy.
Thank you, this is information that should be communicated more widely, I had no idea, also someone mentioned washing up liquid, good to know.